While it did go to court, Red Bull decided to settle out of court. Not quite the same, but close. They probably figured it would save them money and damage their rep a bit less if they didn't go all the way through the case.
While it did go to court, Red Bull decided to settle out of court. Not quite the same, but close. They probably figured it would save them money and damage their rep a bit less if they didn't go all the way through the case.
Don't know about Best Buy or Wal-Mart, but not all Targets will accept trade-ins. Not every store has a Target Mobile.
He will be released into the wild after he's revived. :)
I always found food experiences to be great opportunities to learn and have fun, but I suppose some of the ease in my experience was due to living in Okinawa. While I tried to get away from the places that were commonly visited by Americans, the average Okinawan probably had more experience with Americans than the…
But at the same time couldn't the defense also strike a blow to their case if they were go go up and lose this case? Wouldn't future cases be able to say that the trademark isn't valid (in most cases) because another case had previously shown that use of the trademarked term did not cause any alleged confusion?
At my college's anime club this is one of the shows we are going to be putting up as a possible mainstay (shown weekly. only three shows get this honor). I haven't watched any of it yet, but we will watch the first ep at the first meeting. Hope it's as good as everyone says.
It seems like they're supposed to be speech to text, but it's not working that well.
But if you notice the emulator that they have running for the GBA games on the 3DS isn't as good as the rest of them. All of the games they picked have save slots built into the game and none of them keep a suspended state like any of the other VC systems do. For clarification I'm meaning a suspended state as in when…
More like he wanted to BE a sugar daddy (from Gangnam), but he wasn't. Wherever he was he would be daydreaming about being a sugar daddy.
Agreed. This KSC just barely started and we're already done!
I never said it would be easy, but it is possible to train a cat. It's definitely easier just to get some cheap sheets to hang around the sides of the bed and wherever else so it can climb up.
You'd probably want to train it to not climb everything. Imagine the damage to her bed sheets from Anakin climbing up there regularly, especially once he's full grown.
You know there are optional subtitles...I didn't realize I had them on until after reading your comment. After getting him to stop and they bought ramen from the guy, he tells his cat that he can finally afford some decent sake ("rice wine" by the subtitles). He then asks the guys & girl if they've ever heard of the…
Notice that ALL of those videos say Wal-Mart.
Sadly, Bashcraft, this isn't the first time this curfew's been enacted. When I left Okinawa in April 2010 the curfew was still technically in effect for ALL service members, but it was mainly enforced on Marines and Air Force personnel by the time I left.
Whoo! I'm just getting around to reading through my backlog of Kotaku articles and I'm glad to see this. I didn't even notice that the picture below was two people making out. XD
Seven months is a bit short, but I did always find it odd that Apple had the iPad releasing on the opposite end of the calendar than the rest of their products. Bringing the iPad release date in line with the rest of their iOS releases by having a short year instead of a longer one, in essence skipping a generation…
This game makes me want to get a Vita.