
I think the only way that could be made harder is if he had to play through the campaign 5 times on the toughest difficulty without killing a single enemy (or dealing direct damage to any bosses that you can't get around cause i imagine there are some like that)

Very nice, I had an idea like this except something like Mario doing it =)

I actually did laugh out loud on this one.

Definitely should be the winner. =)

lol, nice.

Haha! Didn't get the time to do my 'shop last week, but I got this one done! I doubt I'll make the top 20 with all of the other good submissions.

Plan 9 from Outer Space as Wii shovel-ware! XD

Lulz, that video did make me chuckle. Now where's that image I saw of someone making a head harness that holds the 3DS in the correct position in front of your face, I can't seem to find it.

I don't think its the American accent that doesn't lend it the gravitas it deserves, but the narrator himself. While he does read it smoothly and well, he doesn't seem to have much of any emotion behind it, as if all of the comparisons were obvious and normal. Plus a narrator with a deeper voice would've been cooler.

It would definitely be interesting with a powerful enough phone.

Definitely like your shop!

Good job everyone! I'd say my favorite was 6 (gameboy voltron). I had an idea of shopping three 3DS'es onto one of those forza fan made simulator seats, but I didn't have time.

I'm keeping it because A) I like physical copies of my games. I suppose I could wipe the game and updates from the hdd and play offline if i really wanted to. B) I found a decent quality scan of the box cover, printed it off, and cut it to fit in the case =D

Don't have MAG, but I only ran into a couple of black phantoms while playing Demon's Souls. Aggravated me more than anything; not much of a PVP fan outside of FPS games

twin slide pads on the screen? =\ Gyro controls (done well) would've been a perfect fit! Note, I've not played the first one on iOS so I don't know how well they implemented the tilt controls on that one.

Also, many games let you set the sensitivity for the mouse movement.

AAAAAnd that's why I haven't updated my PS3. Haven't accepted the new TOS, but I can still play my movies and games offline!

She should be the mascot for Kotaku around the world!

Is it me or is the game sounding better and better on each trailer? Can't wait to play this game.

Its バイオショック インフィニティ (romanji: "Baioshokku Infiniti"). You still got a chuckle out of me =)