That jump makes me cringe because the shock of that stop would at best pull off the sky hook or at worst rip your entire arm off in real life to a normal human being.
That jump makes me cringe because the shock of that stop would at best pull off the sky hook or at worst rip your entire arm off in real life to a normal human being.
I'd totally eat one of those. Get some good pics with a bite taken out of his head, the meat hanging out like brains XD I miss Japan...
Looks nice! Reminds me quite a bit of Muramasa. (never played Okami) Shame it's only for Vita because I can't see being able to / wanting to buy one anytime soon. I would think a better mechanic for changing the paintbrush would be a little more fluid, like holding the trigger button, push the thumb stick in a…
It was wing of the madoola. Didn't look to be terribly difficult. This series is making me want to get an NES stylized USB controller and play some of these games =D
While casting a Shadow on the target with his Cream colored rear, he obviously wasn't very Charmy to the lady walking by.
Technically as long as Sony's proprietary code / software isn't distributed online any hack/crack can be posted online, but if the hack/crack contains some of Sony's original code they can sue. It's why the iOS cracks can continue to legally run, they just have code that opens the exploit and the data to write to the…
Bashcraft - how was the reach to the ABXY buttons or did the game not utilize them? That looks to be a bigger discomfort than reaching for the L trigger.
That actually makes me want to play Dead Island now. =D
It would definitely be a good way to help get users on board with Vita. I'd say the best way to do something of the sort is you send in your games to a Sony location (keep proof that you own the games), or possibly visit a Sony store. Once they have the games they could put the games on your account, flag them as…
I might be slightly wrong with that bit, I didn't hang out with any underage kids when I was in Japan, but they might not card. That would be a good reason for why they decided to start going with those cigarette vending machines that you have to get that age verification card...
Courageously Normal
But he's balanced out by not only the fact that you won't play him, but there's also Metal Sonic (sonic CD version) on the rivals team. What I want to see is both classic and modern Eggman fighting together.
The only thing I didn't like about the Knuckles & Rouge stages was that the radar didn't look for all three master emerald shards or chaos emeralds at once....The stages I couldn't stand at all were the Tails & Eggman stages, they were a step back in design for the well laid out Gamma stages of SA1.
If you go to bars, as long as you don't look underage or go where they don't care you wont get carded. Going to a Lawson's or grocery store will net you a possibility of getting carded.
Gambling "For money" is illegal. gambling when using pachinko balls, or arcade coins is legal. You just happen to also be able to trade back in your pachinko balls for prizes or money. That's how they get around that.
Made it to 0:35 .... I'm actually glad to have gotten all of the 3DS ambassador games...I only had one of those 10 back in the NES days (SMB - beat the heck out of it). I have only played a few minutes of zelda 1 and I'm actually looking forward to trying to beat all of them.
I find it mysterious that there aren't any scratches at all not only over the pieces on the bottom (mentioned earlier, but it could happen) but the piece at the top is also unscathed! It has scratches all around it except miraculously on top of it!
Agreed. The thing I have the biggest beef with in this study is that they say African Americans spent the most in games, but they're the biggest portion. Caucasians has the highest percentage jump. Granted we're not given the numbers of how many purchases were made by each group, how much each of those cost, the…