Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk

If MiB and William are one and the same, how can the former appear in Maeve's nightmares the same day William arrives at the park?

I can't access that in my country, but does it explain how the staff are able to get immediate access to the robots within the park if they start malfunctioning, and/or how Doctor Narcisssssssse manages to pluck one robot out on on the reg, all by himself, without anyone else noticing?

Her realistic knees and unnatural gait! So milennial

The goosestepping girl is back!

So this is instead of the Drop Dead Fred remake?

thanks for explaining the clever ad campaign to us, you condescending fucks

And there was me thinking they were trying to hide the low quality of that shitty digital dog

I think it's one of Gilbert Gottfried's podcasts where Billy West (via a fantastic impression) relays what Bea Benederet once told him about Arthur Q Bryan: "Oooohh, he liked little boys!"

She should've anonymised the player, or the editor should have.

It's all very well drawing realistic knees, but if your characters move like they're in the Bayeux Tapestry it's wasted

Why is the woman in the illustration doing a stiff-legged goosestep? Is she alt-right?

Not those two! The chemistry they had together was electric and I hope it forms the basis of a dual film career.

I'm certain more scenes about Christopher Ryan's transition were filmed - there's a shot of him in a wig in the end credits. He also played Jennifer Saunders' trans* agent in Vivienne Vyle.

Peter Kay already did it

Except aside from defending her pal she makes a distinction between Good Rape and Bad Rape, and then links Not Raping to political correctness; she is literally a rape apologist

The grievous things: her saying her friend couldn't be held responsible, and then her not accepting responsibility for her words. She actually puts forth the moribund view that "rapists" are a special breed, a sort of boogieman lurking in darkened alleys - an extremely damaging and outdated point of view not backed up

The other band members aren't being held responsible, the drummer should've realised her actions could have consequences for others around her. Like a parent addicted to gambling, their children aren't going to be held responsible but the parent has eschewed *their* responsibility and now the kids are going hungry.

Some people will argue tooth and nail to not be held responsible for their words and actions, I guess

Doesn't each Comics Page artist contribute for a month?