Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk

Has Bond raped anyone since Pussy Galore?

Given that Scott could also "hear" Pym's words echoing whilst he was in the Quantum Realm, I think it's safe to say that Cassie's words were just going through his mind too.

She's a Chinese-American with firework powers! It could've been worse, she could've had mutant kung fu powers and been called Chop Suzy

Wot not mention of Richard Curtis?

The art in Blacksad is incredible, but it wants it both ways with the animals thing - both for it to be a funny animal book but realistic at the same time. This means some invalidating internal logic, especially in the white power story.

He's a proper Actor - in that he thinks he Gets It, and isn't like those other actors who are cheap and condescending. Even the nicest of actors seem to have this lack of self-awareness about them.

That's a very adolescent list.

Nope, I'm with you on Mookie's MJ. Soon-Yi!

I think the first appearance of Bill Cosby-Bukowski supports that. It's fun when Daly breaks out the voice but nothing compares to that prepared bit (and the reactions of Scott and Nick thingy)

I wasn't that bothered about Victor and Tiny until Victor's podcast. Me and Jonah Ray had the same reaction to the dentist's voice. That whole segment was such an obviously funny idea I'm amazed no-one had done it before.

Actually it's Dentist… The Mentalist

That was one of the beats, yes, but it was initially framed as an adult not wanting to be condescended to by his carer.

he opened the sweetener packet at the same time as the explosion. Just in case he was the one who caused it, he switched to the sugar instead

There's often misreadings of sketches in these reviews, but shurely the Benjamin Buttons sketch was about a carer-client relationship?

I'm a bit behind on the Hulk solo series, so I don't know if the character has turned up there, but the appearance of KLUH ("I AM THE HULK'S HULK!!") was almost a non-sequiteur, it was so ridiculous and out-of-nowhere.

You JUST bought it and it's been by your bed for a few weeks? Make your damned mind up

He's healed from a single cell in the past.

There's at least two spin-off comics coming out of this about "replacement" Wolverine characters

Wow, reading between the lines you mean to say that comic book deaths are often temporary? What an exciting and revelatory observation! Next you're going to blow our minds and tell us that wrestling is fake or that the performers on SNL haven't learned their lines

For real?