Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk

Even the Marx Brothers?

You are a silly person

I don't think you understand how websites work. At all

Who are you addressing? Not me I hope

It's still basically a cult tho

Here's a Guardian article on the subject from literally ten years ago

You're on a hiding to nothing if you pretend that all casting etc is 100% the same and context, history and nuance don't enter into it.

Hari Kondabolu is such a typical white guy name eh

I think it's something that not all Targaryens have, aye - and certainly not for many generations.

What about when she walks out of the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen without a burn?

Bloodsport, a film only enjoyed unironically by venal meatheads

Yep makes most sense


he kept trying to look up the boss's ass

Eyes Of Man (Looking Up From The Toilet Pan)

Can't wait to see how Quentin Quire uses the Phoenix powers he got recently in Thor to fuck shit up or something

Who cares? Well anyone who cares about this kind of stuff.

Ha ha excellent parody post exactly what a point missing idiot would write

Three films out of how many?

Guess you didn't read the article