Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk

Eh, not so much when you're a broadcast professional with decades of on-air experience, who chose the guests for his own show and views having to apologise as an inconvenience more than anything else.

Interesting how defensive Maher gets- he still doesn't think he did much wrong


Also, it's a lot harder to get some people to deliver English with all the right emphases, ratcheting up directorial difficulty.

Why "Maitland"? Is it a reference to something? It dates back to the Normans, but these days it would be perceived as an "American" name, not an "English" one.

Come on man, having seen her as a… Dothraki, I think? Has got me psyched for this sequel!!!!!

Where's me washboard?

This was more amusing than marketing material needs to be. I'm guessing Taika Waititi filmed it?

It's a soul companion you can feel it everywhere

Yeah, the diversity of the casting is something I can't really fault.

Well, they could you know, not have a Native American character who shows up to do stereotypically Native American things?

Oh and the Native American character is called Chief who does tracking and smoke signals

I just wasted an evening and a tenner on this cack, excuse me for venting

The film has plenty of scenes that The First Avenger did better, even down to the SPPOLETRRSS Steves sacrificing themselves in planes, so perhaps a good idea to distance themselves from WWII.

Good grief, Patty Jenkins walked off Thor 2 yet it's vastly superior. Yes, this film is not as good as Thor 2.

We never had Wide World of Sports in the UK, but the reference to it in Blazing Saddles always slayed me as a kid

I just had my eyes sewn shut

His little song about not going to the Chinese restaurant was a good and authentic bit of dadding

no I refuse to watch! that's how radioactive their performances are

The only good bits with his dad are when he's dadding it up and pulling daft faces - and you see where Ansari learned his from.