Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk

You know this "Five Years" gimmick DC have going, well… ate they just going to repeat the stories in five years time? Or will DC continuity never quite catch up with them? Or… have they skipped five years permanently and we'll just occasionally get "lost tales" from that missing period?

Shame to celebrate someone's music-writing prowess and then cite the British equivalent of Powerhouse as an example of this

The extra layer on the lawyer being ok with that amazing photo as long as it was a motivator for wait loss was… that it hadn't actually worked.

GotG was great, but I'm not confident they can make Thanos an interesting villain after seeing Ronan, Nebula, Malekith etc

I suppose you're right. You get a better idea of the "human" scale of the stakes than you do in Man Of Steel.

SPOILERSSSS Why did Reilly get a "reuniting with his family" moment in the montage at the end? We hadn't really spent enough time with the character for that to really pay off, and he'd already thanked the GotG for saving them a scene or two earlier

I think no holds are barred when an alien race is kidnapping people and assuming their identities in order to take over the planet.

I was a Chevy lover, but Banks slid in perfectly. Seriously, after a few eps I was like "fuck, I forgot Troy and Pierce used to be in this!"

Yeah, its not "just" a Young Cyclops book. Plus they have to find something to do with the original team because I have a strong feeling they won't be returning to their original time for a good long time, if at all.

I assume the Original Sin mini with him, Thor and Angela is meant to fill the gap.

Yes, created by Alans Moore and Grant during their early 80s Captain Britain run. It was meant to be an unstoppable dimension-hopping built to kill all superpeople bar its creator, Mad Jim Jaspers.

Amazed Oliver didn't reference the strong vein of humour running throughout SA. We've had a mad scientist poet quoting Manic Street Preachers as a battle cry, for starters

Similarly, Nathan is the one who looks foolish during the award ceremony.

This news is a few days old, isn't it?

That arc has finished but the events still have repercussions on the ongoing story.

Or perhaps Pip The Troll

The Vision? Hulk? Thanos? He could be doing the mocap stuff whilst Bettany et al supply the voices. Be surprised if he was Ultron, with his static face.

The press release mentions that this is a brand-new female hero. Avengers recently showed us a future Thor, unworthy and stripped of Mjolnir, speaking of being "broken". Jarnborn was introduced in Aaron's first Thor issue, which also showed us a broken future Odinson. All the elements are in place.

Yes, Aaron's Thor might be the best thing he's done outside of his creator-owned work. Would love to see more of Thor's three grandaughters but I suppose a little goes a long way.

Superhero comics are essentially soap operas, but it's one hell of a sandbox for writers and artists to play in.