Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk

Hm, personally I slightly prefer it to JoM, if only because that had slight Hickman/Morrison leaps that weren't always apparent. But yeah, Kid Loki was really popular, but Gillen killed him off when he'd finished telling that story. The Kid Loki from Ypung Avengers isn't actually Kid Loki.

Yes, I wonder what Angela's surname actually is.

A woman will claim Mjolnir as the Odinson is deemed unworthy.

Also hormonal teen girls that like women.

Is Odin returning then? I suppose he might well do in this Original Sin side-story now Angela is his kid

They could indeed, but actually turning into a good read that makes sense on its own terms is a different matter.

You say that, but Agent Of Asgard is pretty great stuff.

It's already been set up in the comics that Thor will lose the right to wield Mjolnir (in Avengers/Uncanny Avengers) and will regain it in the distant future (Thor: God of Thunder), though he will probably get it back sooner than that.

Sarandon plays an 80something in this?

Yup, the recent Jenny Slate/tune-yards duet is a great example.

Art is great but the story needs to get interesting already

Yep - surely the whole point is that it's an unusual pairing, in an era when we're so used to characters teaming up with each other.

Secret Avengers had a nice True Detective reference, but I never expected a supervillain to quote the Manic Street Preachers.

Pretty good filler issues though, tackling the title concept in imaginative and funny ways.

Olivia Colman appeared on Graham Norton's show (along with Lena Dunham and Idris Elba) to promote this, and she pretty much dismissed it as entirely forgettable fluff. I could just imagine the publicist backstage, sinking their face into their hands…

I'm psyched about this new miniseries not just because it's Doop, but because it's Milligan's return to Marvel. X-Force/Statix (along with the Dead Girl mini) is my favourite comics run outside Daredevil, so this is a dream come true.

Is this sincere, or have you really bought into Marvel's marketing push with the Inhumans?

I'm a Steve Martin fan, and a bluegrass fan, but I had no desire to see him drily perform the latter whenever he graced London until I saw a Conan appearance and realised that he had at least one funny song in his set. So I hastily booked tickets to see him at the Hammersmith Apollo.

I'm amazed no-one is commenting on how shitty the dialogue in this film is. That made it Marvel's first big-screen disappointment for me.