Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk

Cheers mun

Ooh, first name terms now is it?

Adams' hubris is astonishing, giving his Expanding Earth platform

Wasn't it spelled out as Terrigen in this latest issue? IF not, I've just filled in the blanks. Ms. Marvel might be the only significant thing to emerge from all this Inhumanity ballyhoo, and I'm not sure why the rest of her family haven't transformed either.

Hickman's always skirted up to and often over the incomprehensible technobabble (or story) line but I can always get the gist. However, this comes at the expense of actually Giving A Fuck. Strange is selling his soul? They've betrayed Cap? Black Swan is a tragic character we should not only care about, but be

That Avengers issue he did a couple of years ago was horrendous - like if MAD Magazine from the 70s spoofed Bendis or something. But nowhere near as amazing as that would actually be

It was really weird watching Michael Stuhlbarg's character go after (to put it mildly) Cate Blanchett in Blue Jasmine - the clash of clearly old-school comedic norms clashing with the hopefully-common modern knowledge that the reality is actually horrendous.

Was always baffled at GwG's popularity in comparison to this, far superior

Just imagine it's a sort of crossover with Manhattan Projects, with AIM as the cabal of geniuses and the Avengers as the Avengers. There's even evil doppelgängers from another dimension, through some sort of portal

This is also my thinking. Why does the Hulk look so buff? He doesn't work out. He should be round but with powerful muscles underneath all that. Same for Superman, he doesn't put time in at the gym

Or: the guys who aren't actually reading Marvel Now. There's been a ton of great stuff, and it's still got momentum, unlike the Nu52.

Then you clearly missed the recent GotG/All-New x-Men crossover, which had huge #1s in their corners despite neither being the first issue, and featuring their actual numbering in the usual place. Same thing with Avengers 24… And all three are Point Now issues, too. X-Men has the same thing, minus the Point but still