
And they were beat by a team named after the Chippewa tribe. This is so delicious I just know I'm going to end up in the ER with Diabetic shock.

Oklahoma was literally founded on the idea that you should be able to just take things away from Native Americans if you want it bad enough so I am not surprised.

They really can’t because it would set a terrible precedent.
Also I have a little sympathy because it was a goddamn hook and ladder hail mary. Stop it and you don’t get beat.

Few classes of people in this world are as batshittedly convinced of their own influence and importance than college newspapers nerds and jesus fuck I miss that world so goddamn much I’m 32 and my DEEP AND IMPORTANT COLLEGE NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE made me a legal editor in a hidden kingdom of batshit crazy conservative

This shit is no doubt stupid.

Yeah I never got around to buying The Phantom Pain (got Ground Zeroes through PS+) but I plan to eventually. Based on what they’ve said is in the Definitive Edition (2 new side missions for GZ, a bunch of cosmetic stuff and a couple of extra weapons I would of never bought the DLC for anyway) I don’t really see why I

“I’m fine with anything”.

Eh.....I guess so. About as useless as a politician’s answers though. So should you really?

Fans: “But what about...?”

MGSV is among my top 3 most disappointing games of all time....and 2 of them were developed by Konami.

Well, what did you expect!?

Wow, aliens are trolling kinja now.

We can land rockets on barges now!

While this seems like a cool idea, I imagine it getting old really fast. Part of the appeal of the games for me has always been the “mundane”. The mid-2nd quarter drive where I dunk a few 10-14 yard passes and carve my way down the field to score, or smash a few 4-7 yard runs to set up good play action. It’s those

It would be better if every time a meteor hits WE DIDN’T HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN.

How’s that space program coming along, humans?

Are you soap boxing? Witcher 3 doesn’t have that at all. This isn’t an article about the first game.

I disagree, but to each their own. I don't see a reason to compare them because they're both incredibly detailed games.

It gets considerably easier at about 3 hours and you fall in love with it at about 10. If you can push yourself through those two hurdles you’ll be really glad that you did.