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Somewhere, a ‘STICK TO SPORTS!!1!!1!’ Deadspin commenter sits in front of a computer screen, sweating, unable to move, broken.

Morrowind is something special. Skyrim is a mile wide and an inch deep.

I doubt it really has anything to do with money at all. The original FFVII with shitty (not for it’s time) PS1 graphics took FOUR FUCKING DISKS. Even the PC mods that make it look a little nicer are like 15GB. Modern graphics resources take crazy amounts of space, so if they tried to release the whole thing in an HD

So, basically, what you’re saying is, “Rush it to the market, Squeenix, so I can bitch about how much got cut out later. I don’t care about quality until the game is out, then I will be very angry that you did exactly what I wanted you to do.” Got it.

Is this an actual fuck up? I’ve always thought that with modern game development there’s no way you’d get games with the scope of VII... I really can’t point to a company that could - most 50 hour RPG games are rife with copy paste locations and wilderness, fetch quests and chores in the place of meaningful content,

Consider that they valiently unfucked FFXIV.

There it is. I guess this proves that Square Enix is not capable of doing a game with the scope of the older FF on this new hardware. I guess this is better than them butchering the game to release as best as they could as a whole, but oh well...

Well they did say that each part has it’s own unique experience which just means more ways to screw over fans. Want to have Tifa in your party? Better own the X-Box One version! Pre-Order today and recieve materia!

can we refer to any time a game company fucks up really badly, as pulling a Konami?

Consider how many years it’s taken Square Enix to plan and prepare to fuck this up.

Wait this is a great story

He was a partner in the Houston office of my law firm prior to running for Congress. Despite being largely conservative and Republican, everyone in the office (and the firm, generally) loathed him, so much so that to this day, no one wants to use his former office. It’s considered tainted.

Broke my PS2 taking it out of the attic two weeks ago. Found out that ps2 emulators actually work great now on PC. Been feasting on my old PS2 games lately!

It would seem obvious, wouldn’t it?

My initial reaction to normally-sensible friends sharing this like it was an actual letter was basically just clenching my jaw and cursing. This is more relatable, I think.

There are a thousand other articles about this in other outlits that are nothing but lauditory. We should be happy to live in a media landscape where billionares aren’t given the benefit of the doubt by at least 1% of them.

If you don’t give up control of the money, you haven’t given the money away.

It takes a very special sort of douchebag to make Bryce Harper look like a decent human being.