
Drunken tailgate shenanigans or elaborate interpretative dance forecasting the Bills season?

I have never seen a video that so succinctly sums up Bills fandom.

Being hit by a bus is far less cruel than watching Bills games for the last 15 years.

Allegedly to cut down on corruption. If the positions were appointed by say the Governor then he could set up a machine of people who owed him. This is what happened in Virginia under Governor/Senator Byrd (bastard).… By electing, allegedly, the office holder is answerable to

I think many level headed people would agree the Presidential election process is janked. That doesn't mean we should look down on our process of election and the spirit behind it. Maybe we should try to fix the things that don't live up to it.

Lots of states do not elect their judges, at least for certain courts. Missouri elects local judges because there basically are a bunch of rural communities where there are few attorneys who want to live out there. But for any higher court (appeals, Supreme Court of Missouri) there’s a committee (bipartisan) who makes

Like Mr. Burneko says, there’s this naive notion that making more positions elected = more democracy = better government, even though people can’t be assed to suss out the likely fiscal implications of the hypothetical proposed initiatives of their state governors, let alone assess the relative qualifications of

I mean, I guess there’s an idealistic reason—wanting the citizenry involved as directly as possible in the filling out of their government—but, like, we don’t even enact that ideal in the electing of the fucking President, for chrissakes. So as a practical matter, it’s stupid as shit.

Thanks for the handy list of responsibilities. Can you tell me what office is responsible for spending what is left of the education budget on high school football stadiums*?

This is fucking awesome. Burneko, I bow to you.

Perfect. $1,300 to read comics. Sounds like a good investment.

To the small sliver of BAHSTON STRONG people personally affected by the bombing, my apologies. I suspect you’re not a part of that sliver though, so fuck you.

Also can I say fuck “Boston Strong” too? Being in Worcester when a bomb went off and killed some people you have no relation to does not make you stronger. You’re still a douchebag.

Watching that AB there was no way Famila was given Harper anything to hit. My god Williams does some of the single dumbest things I’ve ever seen a manager do. I think it’s The Dusty Baker influence. The man who never met a pitching change or strategic decision he couldn’t fuck up.

And even if the bunt succeeds.....THEY FUCKING WALK HARPER BECAUSE THEY’RE NOT MORONS. Probably intentionally, but at least pitch around him with as much if not more caution than they did.

The best part of that Verducci article is the part where Williams actually believes that Harper’s subsequent walk, to move the first-base runner to second, ended up doing what Rendon’s failed bunt should have.

What, you mean having Rendon bunt with a 3-1 count *wasn’t* a good idea?

Didn’t you just write this article two weeks ago? How about one about Arsenal standing pat with one average striker and an oft-injured converted winger?

It must be great to pick up a hefty paycheck to be an eternal 14 year old.

This was exactly the tantrum reaction we all knew was coming. The most Simmons-y thing Simmons could’ve done.