
You keep writing about your mongrel children like anyone besides you gives a shit.

He has a sort of sociopath-y look about him, doesn’t he?

This movie looks dumber than two shits.

I still don’t see how they could reasonably expect him to be their lawyer when he doesn’t even know their names, or where they live. The anonymity of it all makes it seem pretty unreasonable imo.

I’ve not (yet) seen a DUI case where the cops drew blood, and half of them were breath test refusals.

To a bunch of anonymous people on a website, who may or may not even reside in the state he practices in? lol

Who is it that needs to “get the fuck over it” really? The butthurt is strong with you.

By being terrible fucking parents who raised a narcissistic little sociopath?

Why be tolerant of someone being a dumbshit?

This post title brought to you by Jared, from Subway.

It just gives you a new look for certain cards, not actual new cards.


Too bad there’s no vaccine for Charlatan Fever

Maybe because you’re basing your assessment of the experience on what you expect it to be, and not on what the reality actually is. Or maybe not? Who fuckin knows

You missed the part where aforementioned wealthy rich dudes get crushed under the weight of the mammoth gravy train that ensues. Probably hard to enjoy it all when people are lining up to leech off you from all angles.

‘Boomers are really the worst.

Maybe gravity doubled as the ball was traveling towards goal.

That was beautiful.

Ahh, capitalizing Cardinals Legacy. You’re one of those annoying Cards fans he was talking about, in case you missed it.
