
Ahh, so anyone who thinks the show sucks just isn’t tough enough to live with the GRITTINESS? C’mon.

Says who?

Spot on.

Oh, hey That Guy! So glad you could make it to the conversation!

The Atlanta stadium deals was some buuuullshit. Turner Field wasn’t that old either!

This show gives me explosive diarrhea.

Lots of misogyny up in this thread

From the video, dad sounds like a real asshole. Obviously you can’t say definitively what “caused” this girl to take her own life-it was probably several factors-but it also seems obvious that this dipshit’s tough guy act didn’t take well with his daughter.

Semantics, fuck yeeeah!


Fuck this show.

I think the show’s portrayal of the White Walkers sucks ass.

I’m sorry your experience has been dampened like that. This game has been RPG Nirvana for me.

I think there’s a middle ground to be found. It sounds like this particular little shit is a poor candidate for learning from his horrible deeds and/or redemption, but it’s still good and noble to hope for it for him and others. I don’t think you necessarily need to go all or nothing on your two emotional responses,

WOW, what a little sociopath.

My experience has been bug-free, so far. Now go forth and slay some monsters, you silly billy!

Ohh, edgy. Horrible shit is happening in real life so people shouldn’t get pissed about arbitrary pointless shit in a show? Is that really your argument. I think the bigger beef is with how pointless and stupid it’s all gotten.

The nail on the head, you hit it.

Nah, not really. The second game’s story picks up where the first one let off, but still stands on its own pretty well.

Very well said. You put it much better than I could.