
And Commander Shepherd or the Inquisitor aren’t generic in their own way? They just give canned limited linear dialogue. Being able to create a protagonist is fun, but why does that have to be what you do in EVERY game? Playing with a Bioware character feels like playing with a cardboard cutout stand-in sometimes.

It sucks.

Senile, coked out, or both? His responses only passed the threshold into coherent-ville a few times. Brutal.

And half the people expressing “concern” are probably the ones engaging in that behavior. For fuck’s sake, this isn’t a 1st Amendment Supreme Court case, it’s a fucking video game, and the developers can make whatever rules they want. All that half-assed high-minded rhetoric rings a bit hollow to me.

Very good point. A lot of devs could/should take notes on narrative and storytelling from that first Silent Hill.

Do want.

Mindless circle jerking via vicarious excellence is a hallmark of mediocrity. I find it quite useful having losers self-identify via hilarious pompous Duke arrogance.

Nailed it

I've heard that sentiment from a lot of Lakers 'fans' about this. Pretty hardcore groupthink going on here. How is it his fault that the team is run by morons?

Yes, good job with your preemptive victim complex.

The distinction between actually working at one is noted.

Not familiar with Sky Williams. Is he a crazy person? Why does a streaming service need a fucking fashion police? This is all so crazy and stupid.

It's obvious you're speaking from a pretty serious lack of perspective here. Have you ever worked in the service industry? It encapsulates a great deal of harder work than just "carrying a plate around." Go work a shift at a busy restaurant and see just how 'easy' it is. Otherwise, you can't really know what you're

Cluelessness with a dash of entitlement, delicious.

Wow, you got a lot of whooshes with that one.

That's not a reason, but a restatement of what you just said.

Me neither! Leave some stones for me. And the whole "glass houses" argument rings hilariously hollow when it's coming from someone in the most glass house-y position imaginable.

The butthurt is strong with you.

Actually, they are drivel, and there is surely something-ANYTHING-better that you could be doing with your time.

What's so bad about shootouts?