
No worries! I am really wanting to blast some Rammstein now, though

Eh? That isn't Rammstein, is it?



Fair enough. I'm all in favor of spreading the blame around, sharing the wealth, as it were. It usually takes the irresponsibility of just more than one party to create these kinds of stupid situations anyway.

Baw, where's your school spirit?

Huh, why aren't there any damn pools?

"Rape is no biggie"=rational? Intredasting.

When in doubt, turn to stereotypes! Nice.

So how you reacted to it should apply to every other person alive, and your experience is 100% emblematic of everyone else's. Got it.

Lol, this comment brought to you by a lack of perspective! Christ almighty.

Repeat: That's not what I was talking about. I meant "responsibility" in a metaphorical abstract sense, in a "the parents should maybe reevaluate themselves, instead of trying to put all the blame on some weird kid who lives in the middle of nowhere while shirking their parental duties" sense. Not the liability for

"Our fans sip Bud Light and delusion equally and get drunk off both."

Dealing with violent sexual assault is a "little bit difficult"? Give me a break. What sheltered little hole have you been living in? So next are you going to say the victim in this story ought to just suck it up and get over it, or something equally stupid?

Have you suffered an incident like this, or know anyone who has? If not, then how can you possibly have any idea what the hell you're talking about? It's generally not a good look to speak on things you know jackshit about.

Calling people "nerds," now there's a good way to get people to take you seriously! If you like Cowherd and his drivel then more power to you, but what is the point in insulting people who don't feel likewise? Not that you are likely to give a shit, but guess what: You come off as a tremendous asshole. Now either

Some would argue that stopping the clock constantly would disrupt the flow of the game, and make it long as fuck. Football games are already a daylong affair with all the constant stoppages; I don't know if I could stomach soccer being like that too, but that's just me, ha. I bet if the MLS ever does grow into the

Living up to your kinja handle name, apparently. Where did I say anything about whether he should be liable or not? I was just agreeing with crazy goatee raver dude that these kids' parents maybe should take a look in the mirror, and be responsible for their kids.

So what?