
It does have an "actual" clock. Was the other one they were using imaginary? Shit, why do so many people harp on the clock counting up thing? How is that such a sticking point, of all fucking things?

Because they uhh, don't like it? You've never voiced displeasure over something before? Who's being the asshole here, really?

Sure, sure. Subtlety=good. Hitting us over the head with it and thereby treating us all like dumbasses=bad. 'Tis a law of nature. There is one thing that bugs me, though.Who decided that the unsubtle approach to product placement was appropriate, or at all necessary? To some of these gurus/jackasses it's not enough to

Pissing off fans and putting lame content in a game is a good way to make money?

Yeah, it just looks like crap really.

Lol, it's almost comical how ridiculous that looks. What marketing genius thought this would be a cool way to sell cars, driving little mini-Mercedes cars with video game characters and shooting them with turtle shells? Oh, and this is of course, a desecration of a classic franchise.


Kind of doubt they will agree, but I do, for whatever that's worth! If a bunch of idiot 14 year olds are off getting drunk and OD'ing on drugs in the middle of nowhere, I'd say the responsibility lies with the idiots kids' idiot parents, unless the guy was forcing this behavior on them, or actively encouraging it.

Sure seems like an awful lot of carnage over some rockets, or tunnels, or whatever the water-carrying talking point is today.

The fuck?

So the last time I dealt with Comcast was when I was living in a city where they were the only internet and cable provider. Tech dude who installed my modem and cable box missed my two hour window by a solid four and a half hours. I suspected that it was a product of understaffing/bad scheduling, and this story just

I thought I'd hate Black Flag, but ended up rather enjoying it. Probably my third favorite in the franchise.

Holy crap! I was in Virginia a couple of months ago, and had no idea about those harsh speeding laws. I've been known to drive a bit too fast without really realizing it when there aren't many other cars on the road with me, who hasn't? Can't believe that could have gotten me-and so many other unsuspecting

It was a pretty harrowing ordeal. I've seen plenty of movies that hit me in the feels, but DAMN

Grave of the Fireflies, holy shit what a gut-wrenchingly sad movie. Don't think I've ever cried so hard at a movie.

And amateur commenters

That swan was not fucking around. I like how: a) The swan is still gesticulating at the man, as if doing the bird equivalent of "YOU WANT SOME OF THIS, PUNK?" and b) His selfie captured the swan clearly pre-bite, as it was going in for the kill. Brilliant!

"Unwarranted condescension"....lulz! I think it's pretty warranted at this point.

An (even more) unbalanced Court would be pretty fucking disastrous. Can't imagine what kind of jackass the Tea Party would nominate.

You weren't missing much.