
Oh no, mixed messages!! Anything but that! She sent a pretty clear one the next day, so what does it matter? Are clear messages only allowed within a certain window of time? Is there a statute of limitations before one is bound by their "mixed messages"?

I wasn't aware there was an instruction manual that gives the only acceptable way to deal with uncomfortable situations. Dude acted weird and made her uncomfortable. What exactly is there to second guess about this? You've never been in a situation where someone made you uncomfortable and didn't know what to do? And

I wasn't aware there was a fucking playbook that gives the one and only acceptable way to deal with uncomfortable situations that everyone has to follow .

And the dumbass statements just keep piling up. You're making quite the collection.

"There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics"-Mark Twain/someone Mark Twain was quoting.

Hey now, my mom's a nephrology nurse who manages a dialysis clinic. She may be a bit crazy, but she is a thoughtful, well-educated and intelligent woman. I'm pretty sure if someone sent her an e-mail like the one in this article she would print it out and light it on fire.


Does Adam Sandler ever not have that blank stare/stupid look on his face?

Have you done your 2,000 MBE questions yet?!?

"Race" itself is a protected class, doesn't matter which one.

Any team that follows the Patriot Way, duh. Minus the Patriots at the moment though, whoops!

Never thought I'd laugh at an excel joke, but this stuff is brilliant.

Aww, but just think how good the make up sex will be.

That would be the bullshit move to end all bullshit move, ahh!

"Floyd Mayweather is a misogynist. And not just a misogynist, but a batterer"

Said without a single trace of irony, I'm sure.

She was definitely not loving purple nor living gold, as they say at LSU. ""Wahhh, my ACT wasn't quite good enough for one of the most competitive and prestigious state universities in the entire country. Off to court we go!" As much as right-wingers like to crow about "entitlement," I think we know who the entitled

That being said! I hope you one day find yourself in a place where you don't feel the need to exclude yourself from things for reasons like that. Don't miss out on a good time or feel 'less than' because of awful people. Go out with your friends, and fuck what any judgmental assholes think! Often that is easier said

Promise me, Ned! Maybe he was promising to feed her goldfish or pay the lien on her house so her creditors wouldn't take it.

Well, there's a nice and sycophantic response. If "mister author" is 'jealous' of Jeter (debatable), then you're arguably living vicariously through him. Now tell me, which is worse? And how much time did you take out of your daily Jeter circle jerk to write this?