
How profound.

It sounds like a terrible time anyway! Who wants to spend their night being surrounded by guys like club promoter douche?

Dude sounds pretty needy and creepy. Why keep hassling the poor lady for instagram handles/pictures/an explanation? "Fine, don't explain yourself," said every psycho ex ever.

Yeeeah, but I really don't want to live in a world where wife beaters escape justice just because they have a great completion percentage, even though we already do. Ha

So much cap-tipping and unwritten rule breaking/enforcing. The All-Star game has to be one of the biggest circle jerks in all of sports.

Oh noes, not being 'shown up'! Anything but that!

All of them and a half

The fuck does that have to do with sports trophy parades?

Well jeez, someone's a tad cynical. I generally don't give a shit about what these guys get up to off the field, but something about a guy viciously beating his partner and threatening to murder her crosses a line with me. If everything his girlfriend said is true, then I hope this piece of shit goes to prison, and

Oh shit, did he have any big endorsements? Any word from Darren Rovell on how this will affect the Brand?

It seems like lots of approaches are doomed for failure, bah!

I am glad I don't have kids because this shit sounds completely fucking insane. This slavish adherence to standardized testing is one of the reasons so many of our schools suck ass, and this pressure cooker competitiveness-for-competitiveness's sake probably doesn't help much either. "Competitive" two year olds? The

No, I was more saying that they were using it as a hollow justification, not that it's just blanketly evil, no matter the context. But ride that self-righteous condescension as far as it will take you!


Dear God

I'll never buy one of their shitty Subway sandwiches again!

I meant for it to sound we don't need to rely on the news to keep us safe (especially since I'm not so sure they even have our best interests at heart most of the time anyway), but I can see what a dumb chest-thumping platitude it actually sounded like. Cringe.

Lol, why did you write two posts ripping my post apart at completely different parts of the day? To double down on the guilt? You're telling me to stop when I haven't even written anything since your last post. Jeez.

And just get a load of how thrilled he looks! I feel bad for him

So Ronaldo helping his team qualify is a bigger feat than Messi helping his win group games and two knockout games? Yeah, Ronaldo was hurt and Portugal would have had a better showing if he'd been 100% but Messi was coming off that hamstring injury too, and there was speculation that he wasn't 100% either.