

Any word from Darren Rovell on how this will affect the Brand??

Ahh, people are oblivious to most things it seems. I also daresay that someone would have bitched no matter what that station's weather report was interrupting, and not much short of the tornado being right over their houses would change that.

All about me? Holy shit, that is quite the inference you made there. Here, I will rephrase: "let's not make our tv's responsible for our safety." Better? I have been through an F4 tornado and plenty of smaller ones, so I'm a bit incredulous about your description of these storms just dropping in out of nowhere like

The howling winds, flying tree branches and debris, and electricity going out are usually pretty decent warnings. And anyway the information is readily available through other means besides your local ABC affiliate. I'm not going to make my tv responsible for my safety.

You are speaking in hypotheticals, when the reality is that it was his play that won those group games for them.

If a tornado is close enough to hurt you or wreck your neighborhood, you're not going to be watching fucking tv anyway.

So people rely on their tv's to keep them safe?

"However, the phrase is not found in any of Disraeli's works and the earliest known appearances were years after his death. Other coiners have therefore been proposed, and the phrase is often attributed to Twain himself. Mark Twain popularized the saying in "Chapters from My Autobiography", published in the North

I don't know, why on earth are you commenting on my commenting two weeks late?

See, it just shows me that they have better guns/missiles than those countries. And the financial aid and political backing from the US sure doesn't hurt either.

From where I'm standing it seems you could easily flip that around to "Israel would rather kill Palestinians." But oh, silly me, Israel is doing it for 'defense' purposes so I guess that makes all the dead civilians they've created ok.

Having the stones to get informed about it and stick to that would be nice. But no, much easier to just backtrack on the whole thing like a dipshit, I guess.

I guess Casspi hasn't read much of Mark Twain. Here's a good quote for when people throw around idiotic platitudes like that: "There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics."-Mark Twain. Sure, numbers don't lie, but the people crowing about them do.

Leveling apartments and killing more people makes one side "better at defense"? Interesting concept.

Why would she need to show him her id just for walking across a street? Last I checked, states didn't issue 'walker's licenses.'

So then you're whining about nothing?

It really captures Rovell's essence.

At the risk of sounding closed-minded...what the fuck was she doing bringing a four month old infant to a concert? I don't know much about infants, but my sister has a ten month old daughter, and I don't think she would have brought her to as much as an outdoor Beethoven Symphony. Inconsiderate of the other concert

I think most of us would be pretty jazzed about seeing the USMNT in the third place match.