
The discussion just wouldn't be complete without someone bitching about the ties' existence. Thank you for that.

Could you?

I agree, and think the inexact clock is one of the cool things about soccer. Different doesn't mean worse.

For someone so deadset on discrediting the sport here, you sure have lots of ideas on how to "fix" it. Why should the game make these sweeping changes just to suit one country's tastes (or what you presume to be in line with the country's tastes anyway)? There's a good bit of arrogance or hubris in saying that instead

Oh, I dunno, it seemed pretty easy to not laugh at.

Enraged, eh? Iiiinterestng inference. I don't see that at all, more just disdain over Shaughnessy rehashing the same idiotic platitudes over and over. The persecution complex ole Shaughny is trying to rock is pretty pathetic, too. Enraged though, seriously? Over him not liking soccer? Where does he say ANYTHING that

Hmm, I must have missed the part where Mr. Marchman says that he's mad about this hack not "lurveing" soccer. I don't think anyone here gives a shit what he lurves, but maybe not writing the same inane drivel every four years about why he thinks it isn't worthy of his oh-so-refined affections would be nice.

I'm going to bet on the collective IQ at this little social gathering not being too high.

Wow. No, thank you.

Wow, the butthurt is strong with you.

Agree. I don't like soccer that much, but this was much more exciting than watching the Heat get blown out, or watching a blowout in a NFL game.

These articles just wouldn't be complete without some sociology expert coming on here to spread the gospel about why the sport will never catch on in the US. Thank you oh so much for your ever so keen insights, and for taking it upon yourself to speak for the entire country. What would we ever do without you!

No one made you watch.

Motherfucking THIS. The "it'll never catch on 'cause we're just too manly" line has worn really fucking thin.

Ahh, nice. The hottest of hot takes always amp up the xenophobia, and this one does not disappoint. Truly an asinine gem, may it live on forever in hallowed shrine of human pettiness.

Well, they do say laughter is the best medicine. How has being a jerk to complete strangers worked for you?

hahaha, not that it matters one whit, but how do you figure that? I can now cross having my looks anonymously insulted off the bucket list.

Me neither. Guess that makes us both idiots.

Surely not nearly as difficult as being a complete asshole has made your life.

Well, I don't know jackass. How much has Deadspin earned off of marketing a racist and denigrating nickname? There seems to be a lot more you need to be enlightened on.