
Isn't comparing this to an indie game kind of a case of comparing apples and oranges?

It is better. The only thing that held it back (understandably) was the bugginess, but that's easily patched and improved on PC now. Great characters, great story, just all around great writing. One of my favorite games to this day.

I don't live in Atlanta so I can't speak to whatever justifications there are for moving the team, but there wasn't a damn thing wrong with Turner Field itself. It was/is a nice enough stadium, and moving a team that had been synonymous with Atlanta for as long as I can remember out of the city into the suburbs in

WOWZERS, if that is not some of the most purely insane shit I have ever read. I had horrible luck/skill in the romance department all through high school and most of college, and didn't really date much until I met the wonderful woman I'm with now. The feelings of rejection and the loneliness I often dealt with were


The girlfriend in this sad tale needs to just leave this immature self-centered loser. He doesn't appreciate her, but it sure as hell sounds like she has found plenty of other people that do. What does he bring to the table for her besides needy baggage and self-pity? And how degrading is it to her that all he can say

The asshole that uses part of his leisure time upsetting snd emotionally hurting people thinks he might be a bad person? Well no shit. Maybe there is more at play here, and he needs to see a counselor for his own emotional issues. Such is usually the case for bullies.

Spoken like a true troll .


"I don't know much about this, but I am going to speak on it anyway"-The 'bad precedent' hand-wringers


Poor Famous Jameis, being extorted :'( :'(

Ahh, these articles just wouldn't be complete without someone invoking the great 'clickbait' conspiracy. And you clicked the article, so maybe drop the holier-than-thou attitude.

The author of the email is probably working on his Ph.D in economics

Sure, me too, but we're talking about what could "possibly" have happened. Maybe Kaep did something terrible, and maybe he didn't do anything wrong at all. I just don't get people wanting to make snap judgments and rush to defend or condemn based on crap like this.

Riiight, so an incident involving an intoxicated naked female could not be "possibly" sexual? I must have missed the part in the report that said that all parties involved were wearing chastity belts. Please explain to this "child" how you dismissing the 'possibility' out of hand-when you don't know what happened any

So you chastise the author for jumping to conclusions by...jumping to conclusions? Iiiiinteresting.

Aww, you probably thought that was so profound when you wrote that. Bless your heart.

Ahh, it all makes sense now. Heaven forbid we fail to meet our boogeyman quota on any vaguely gender issue-related article!

I did. Girl gets drunk and high with Kaepernick and two other guys. Girl gets naked with Kaepernick. Two other guys come in to take a peek, and she yells at them. Girl wakes up in the hospital. Now please explain to me how an intoxicated and naked girl could not have been involved in a "sexual incident." I'm not