
It really isn’t, now that you mention it. I still wanna see this, dagnabbit.

The lava castle is George Lucas’ idea. He wanted to feature it in Empire and RotJ. It was cut because money.

I really dont need to see that this early in the morning. My 9 year old could manipulate Trump.. Scratch that, my 6 year old could..

For your reading pleasure, Steven Bannon, current senior advisor to the POTUS:

That guy has a stream of lava running through his house. If anyone has a fireproof cape...

Depends. Ming may have attended Cobra Kai.

That was actually a supposition based on a fairly innocuous statement. Doug Chiang, who designed the castle for R1, said they put a lot of thoughgt into the backstory of the castle, and it would be neat if it was revisited sometime.

Not to go off on a tangent, but that castle always bothered me since it screamed “I’m Evil!!!”. I mean, no good guy puts a castle on a lava planet surrounded by volcanoes and shit.

Wasn’t it the planet (Mustafar?) from the end of RotS, where he lost the fight to Obi Wan and basically became Vader? I can see a dummy like Anakin finding symbolic value in putting his castle there.

That always bothered me as well. They had the great Ralph McQuarrie design that should have been used in Episode 3. That would help explain the slight changes in Vader’s armor over the years.  

Darth Vader is a tortured masochist. Of course he’s going to put his castle on the lava planet where his best friend dismembered him.

“Many Bothans died in an Amazon Space Prime warehouse to get you this item”

or the fact that it was some kind of special material...that could take direct hits from blaster fire...

Wait, didn’t the Emperor have one all ready for the limbless burnt Anakin? I bet old Palpy had a whole bunch of them too, somewhere, ready within seconds. Isn’t that how it works?

The last time we say Kylo Ren’s helmet was when he dropped it before killing you-know-who. When Kylo fights Finn and Rey in the snow-covered forest, he doesn’t have it. So I bet the helmet was lost in Starkiller Base One, and duh, new one(s). Besides, nowadays, toy companies that make action figures demand that all

Isn’t that how the dark side works though? To get more power from the dark side, you have to tap into your anger and fear. Living in a giant, uncomfortable castle on the planet where you lost everything would probably keep most dark side users constantly fearful or angry.

Ben raided granpappy’s closet. Although there were a couple of disturbing items near the back... [wink]

Yes, they were.

“Old enough to have a civil debate” after calling another poster an idiot and very sarcastically​ asking if he was “gonna cry” if the cinematic character design didn’t mirror the original comic version. Not very civil, not a debate and not mature at all.

Another thing I forgot to mention Aquaman doesn’t have hydrokenesis typically. Sometimes he can use his trident to manipulate water (though the only time I remember that was in the Injustice game) and the time in the 2000s when Aquaman replaced his hook hand with a magical hand but he rarely directly controls the