
Plus, it’s not like this is anything is new. Trump’s been calling people to his office (Kanye, MLK Jr.’s son, etc.) and using them for photo ops for months now. Everyone that leaves thinks they made a difference, because Trump’s a con man and made them believe so. Instead, he used them for cred. Yeah, they all got

I don’t think there’s any such thing. When’s the last time there’s been a Black Republican who wasn’t shucking and jiving and basically being the token for these racist white Republicans?

OUCH! That clip was powerful. Seeing it and seeing how young those guys look also reminds me that time has flown.

My vote is you decline the invite. Showing up is normalizing this man and an administration that has deliberately disrespected HBCU students and their families.

That look when you know the house is more comfortable than the field.

I wonder how the invitation should have been handled? Does one actually go into the lion’s den and hope that he actually benefits rather than mauls you? What do you do when you are there and when you leave? Do you refuse the picture? Do you say something like “We are glad to meet with the President of the United

Yeah, okay John Wilson, Jr. This is really a surprising outcome.

Exactly. Think of the current situation: endless wars with an all-volunteer force and the homefront experiences the most minimal deprivation or negative effects from it (no rationing, no draft, only an occasional low body-count terrorist attack). They’ve maintained it for 15 years now with virtually no resistance

I agree with you but I wouldn’t say “willfully ignorant.”

That smirk is fucking evil. I’ve been in a boardroom with that twerp, for what it’s worth. And I don’t mean “that type of guy.” I mean him. If somebody told me he was going to be negotiating for peace in the middle east I would have eaten my shoe. We’re so fucked.

Don’t belittle Carryn by saying she was trotted out there. She had a choice to go, and she did, to honor Ryan.

That’s a fair assessment. There’s plenty of blame to go around. It just wasn’t the fault of the service people on the ground.

No one is saying this. She’s grieving and likely not thinking entirely straight, honestly. He took advantage of her in a bad moment to cover himself in fake glory.

And by the way, if you look at the faces of his children/relatives, they are smirking while she weeps. You know her? You might want to show her this shot.

Yes. This is my theory. They don’t seem to understand this is all real. It’s kind of weird, really. It’s like “It’s time for the turnaround moment we see in the movies!” Except ... we’re not in the movies.

While I don’t want to exonarate him from any responsibility, don’t forget that the operation which resulted in the death of Owens was an operation that Obama had rejected and the military planners waited for DT and presented him with the same plan and basically said, “Obama didn’t have the balls to go through with it”

I’m looking for where anyone jumped on her.

Holy shit—-was just about to write this. Classic abuser/abused syndrome. He throws the press a bone after beating the shit out of them, and they’re all over it.

No one, not Pareene or anyone else here, is criticizing her. A large portion of the criticism of Trump is that he disrespected her by trying to score points from her loss. The embedded tweet from Yttrium above contrasting the responses between the press and veterans is a good example.

This is some full-on battered wife syndrome shit.

mostly these guys want to be witnesses to Great Men Making History. They want to Respect The Office Of The Presidency.