I’d offer three examples of different approaches to great fantasy worldbuilding inspired by non-European cultures:
I’d offer three examples of different approaches to great fantasy worldbuilding inspired by non-European cultures:
“It’s a valid intro method that eases the players into a setting alien to them” is very true, but also incredibly played out by now. This device is used in virtually every American TV show or movie set in another culture.
Those are three awesome ideas I’d love to see on TV, and you’re right that they’ll probably get passed over - along with black creators who might make them sing - because of the racism entrenched in Hollywood’s production line. I’d be much more interested in watching those shows, and those fresh creators. But none of…
Yeah, his phrasing there was just fucking nuts. Really, Kev? No one could want more than what you’re gonna do!?!?
You don’t seem to want to fight any fight. You just want to go watch movies and be done with it. That’s fine. Do that. But other people are trying to move the discourse forward while you chide them for not treating Hollywood like it’s a puppy.
If you go from 20/100 to 35/100, that is still generally considered failing the test. That’s essentially where Hollywood lives right now.
Oopsies, you did a weird thing, shove it way down deep down inside of yourself, and move onto the next inevitably weird thing you will do.
Amidst the rest of this article’s pungent grossness, observing that different nations aculturate the genders into some common characteristics seemed totally benign, but holy hell did he call Jewish women “a different breed”?!?! “Breed”? Really? I can’t even feign surprise that a given writer might miss the…
Both overplucked and greasepaint eyebrows just represent one more way women have found to be unhappy with themselves. As long as physical self-presentation is a hobby, it’ll be one thing or another; and whatever it is will be kind of a drag for the large number of women and girls who aren’t either hobbyists or…
I saw it (not too hard to find). It was pretty dreadful generally, and Palicki played the character they wrote fine. But the character they wrote wasn’t Wonder Woman.
...dreaming of what could’ve been...
even a small example like women letting their eyebrows grow back in
the “victims” who are not entirely blameless in our demise or their own
I know. Thus “anyone calling himself a Black Panther”.
Mainly based off the fact that I know a guy for real who wanted this to happen
Wrong, they always had that mentality they used it as an excuse as to why they had to enslave our ancestors. Decades of respectability politics haven’t changed that. WE aren’t the cause of THEIR racism. Stop absolving racist motherfuckers for their fuckery.