She has made many, many promises about releasing an encyclopedia but it seems that the scandal that happened regarding her and The HP Lexicon has put her off a bit.
I'm stealing that phrase from you. Thank you for making my descriptions of customer service better!
You mean that isn't a logical response? /s
Speaking as an almost-23-year-old, I want to be her when I grow up.
I just thought all those kids were in awe of the way I braid my tentacles! Oh my gosh!
I'm not quite sure what the deal is with internet people meeting.
This has helped me with my diet in two ways! I'm never eating mayonnaise again, and I don't think I'm ever eating again either.
Tbh what I've seen of Jesus movies the only person who looks Jewish or is Jewish is Judas. Which... is still p much as gross as whitewashing.
Speaking as a former girl scout ambassador, we also had insignia for learning to repair things, and fixing cars. I definitely grouted tile for an insignia when I was in the Scouts a few years ago. You can take stuff in First Aid, learning financial responsibility (like the one regarding Good Credit for Ambassadors),…
I'm just a grey and I got unreasonably excited.
This would happen to me even with the pretty beige dresses that they have. If it's lighter than black, there will inevitably food stains on it at some point.
can I just say how much I love you for this gif/comment?
That is such an icky response. I read Prudie and haven't gotten to the latest one yet. Ugh.
As a teacher-in-training who had a full 8 week course of cultural differences and unpacking my privilege as a white middle class female teacher... UGH. WHY DO YOU MAKE US LOOK BAD, NYC?
I realized as soon as I wrote it that they're essentially the same word. I guess I can use it as an excuse if you ignore the fact that there was a giant dog on the bag. I just thought it was pepperoni! ;)
I used to eat pupperoni, back when we were training my first dog when I was about 4-5ish. Not too bad.
How does stuff like this happen? I'm so appalled.
Sometimes, though, they have membership fees at the onset that are too costly— the cheap gym near me is $10 a month but there's a ~$50 enrollment fee and a ~$25 yearly fee or something like that, on top of the monthly membership. The initial cost may be too much and there may be additional surcharges.