You there are describing my absurdist dream game.
You there are describing my absurdist dream game.
Damn you people for making me defend something Trump does or says ... but yeah—cut off Tencent root & branch, and let it die with any luck. So long as the CCP can hijack Chinese companies with impunity to advance its own purposes, those Chinese companies need to be ground into dust on the global market.
Also just a reminder. This country doesn’t have universal health care but our Army has money to pay people to play video games for a living.
If the US military wants to participate in “the memes” etc. (which is gross anyway), then they gotta take the good with the bad. Get the fuck over it. I thought our military was supposed to be tough?
Why would somebody want to blow up a pachinko company? 🤔
So, despite saying it for years, Epic has decided not to make StW free-to-play after all? I guess they’re...hurting for cash, or something?
What did Jason do?
I’m not watching any of these videos because I’d like to go in blind, but I can’t agree with this take at all.
Why does this game get so much coverage on this site? It's like every little piece of news gets blasted. It's not even a good game
I really want to be a fly on the wall where it’s decided that Fallout 76 needs continual development and to not pack it in.
As many have said, as a non Fortnite player, this is pretty awesome. It’s an incredible visual feast.
But as a non Travis Scott listener, wow do all his songs sound the same. Its like he has three different song templates and then everything else is just based off those.
German army leadership and forces were actively complicit, and in many cases, enthusiastic participants in crimes against humanity. While yes, #notallgermanmen, the Wehrmacht were far from having clean hands.
Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and…
I loved the game. I had no problem with people who didn’t like it because “oh I didn’t like the combat,” or “the story was weird/annoying,” or whatever. So many complaints though, no matter how they started, most of them eventually came down to “it’s not DMC/this is not Dante/this sucks compared to DMC 3/4/etc.”
Both Enslaved and DmC had Alex Garland (The Beach, 28 Days Later, Sunshine, Dredd, Ex Machina, Annihilation recently) involved in story as well (writer for Enslaved and story supervisor for DmC).
It isn’t really.
Was it though? Cause from a metacritic standpoint (and honestly a hard pill to swallow and use as an argument), it did on par with DMC 4 and DMC 3.
I feel for Ninja Theory after Enslaved, which I think is probably the best damn post-apocalyptic romance story ever put to gaming, and wasn’t a fan in the slightest of Capcom’s earlier Devil May Cry games. But I adore this game. It’s perfect for Ninja Theory’s exceptional sense of style and combat, and proved to be a…
I always felt this game suffered from typical nerd rage of quit changing my stuff. This game was actually pretty darn good.
It’s a game - to me at least - about agility, rapid movement, and environmental awareness, which are all actively inhibited by a more-limited-than-natural field of view (the average person’s real-life FoV is about 120 degrees, while that of an FP game is barely over 90), the inability to see your avatar’s own body,…