
Justin Bieber.


Milk in a bag.

Bryan Adams.

Boomers are the worst thing to happen to America since Columbus.

I also heard that they killed Princess Diana, benghazied baby Jessica down that well, and produced Ishtar.

It’s an army of lone wolves!

Obama wasn’t popularly elected by Regular Americans.

He really showed those pants who’s the boss

The most shocking thing about those call transcripts is that he didn’t say Jew York Times.

More like this amirite:

Guy du Fou sounds like someone who would lead an attack on the British crown.

Maybe the crows can teach French men not to piss in the streets. 

Those cigarettes are

I don’t think Hitler had a TIVO.

I’ve been throwing this at everybody who makes those goddamn arguments in my earshot lately

Kittens In Boxes is nasty. She/He told me that cigarette smoke couldn’t kill asthmatics and that it was his/her “right” to blow it in our faces. That if we have a problem then we should just not leave our homes. Lovely person.


I bet that potential buyer will be buying the mag “for the articles”. Ya get me? WINK WINK. NUDGE NUDGE.