
Rremember how Splinter was totally against giving Pelosi the speaker slot? Wonder if they'll own up to it. 

“He walked into my neighborhood. He was black. I was right to be fearful. He resisted when I pulled a gun on him. Of course I had to shoot him “

Is he vying for Cheney’s “obvious villain is obvious" mantle?

Not nearly enough.

Ever lived for a year in a hospital? Flowers really, really help, actually. you are.

Location checks out....

They are the party of personal responsibility...

This country needs LBJ. Seriously.

Also: “I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.” Both Lloyd, at least.

I'll have what he's having.

Wow, that's dark.


We need to make this woman president of the United States.

But ignorance of common substances, that’s ok.

That’s hilarious, a rant which depends on, not their proofreading, but your stone ignorance of what lime (quicklime, calcium oxide) is. Dummy. Read a book.

So young.

Starred for screw specificity


That train stopped in uglytown.