
When I was in Killarney, Ireland, my wife and I specifically asked the bellhop at the hotel instead of our concierge where we could get a good burger. He replied, “Have you heard of the Burger King”?

best avatar ever.

Dear Gawker (and Jezebel),

It’s probably a firewall or ad-block issue.

Sure, fine. But can tomatoes replace strawberries?!? Bake a nice tomato rhubarb pie and let us know!

Method: Chantix

NFC Championship, sure. But I can think of at least two more recent plays I’d like changed. I’d like Crabtree to make one of those catches in the SB against the Ravens, and I’d like Crabtree to make the catch against the Seahawks the following year in the NFC Championship.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I don’t know if I should be infuriated or if I should rejoice.

But I'm an only child....?

Flossing is for weenies anyway.

I proposed to my girlfriend (now wife) while kneeling in our closet in my sweatpants. Then we printed our own Save the Dates at home after my dad took our picture. Then we had the best wedding ever. The end.

Day-drinking/getting high in Dolores Park.

Most responsible gun owners I've talked to would give up their guns in an instant if it would reduce gun-related deaths.

I have thought that, although I'm not that old (early 30s). I suppose I should have qualified that my anecdotal evidence was not evidence as much as strong suspicion. I'll fully admit that I have no idea if my memory is worse than other adults my age, and if it is, whether that was caused by weed or by something else

X gay couple lives in a remote small town in X state that has passed this law. They want to get married, but the only baker in town doesn't want to bake their cake because X couple's marriage is against their religious beliefs. Should X couple have to find a new baker a long distance away? What if that baker doesn't

Former heavy user here (5-7 times a day for 7+ years, age 18 to 25) to offer anecdotal evidence:

I don't understand how Uber is supposed to have known anything if the police and/or the customer hadn't contacted them.

Always make sure to use your windshield wipers after rolling your car.

You will never, ever hear the phrase "too malty" used to describe a beer.

There's a bar in Santa Clara that gets a keg of it once a week, on Thursdays. They tap it at 11am and its gone by noon. The stuff is okay, but I don't get the hype (though I'm more of a lager and pilsner man, myself).