Just do raids
Just do raids
It makes perfect sense if you know about Bartle’s Taxonomy.
Basically, it’s the social theory that there 4 types of core identities for gamers.
1. Socializers
2. Explorers
3. Achievers
4. Killers
In all my years of gaming, I’ve never encountered a series that so adequately appeals to all of these groups and their many…
Unlike previous games in the Pokémon mainline series, Scarlet and Violet have made fan-favorite Eevee pretty tricky to catch. Only popping up in a scant few tiny areas, and with very low spawn rates, trying to evolve the octet of Eeveelutions has never been harder.
Welp, there goes any sympathy I had.
“I’m not playing this game because I wanna bully people and it won’t let me” is so weak. WEAK.
That. It’s Pokemon, so the majority of the folks who are buying made their decision to buy before the games were formally announced.
Final Fantasy isn’t the thing having issues with adapting, Square Enix management is the problem.
Hilariously, even Genshin’s monetization is LIGHTYEARS less awful/exploitative than D:I, and Genshin is a bloody gacha game. D:I is far more exploitative than Farmville or Clash of Clans and all the other games, too. In that it hides many of the transactions and obscures what you get vs. what you CAN get and offering…
I’m out if I have to pay a penny over 110k for the full expirence.
If I play but don’t pay, I’m encouraging someone else to pay colossal amounts of money that they wouldn’t pay if I weren’t playing?
Because the game dies without F2P players. Without the lower spending playerbase the whales have no one to show off to, no one to destroy in pvp, no one to play with, no one to talk to, no clan wars, no anything. These games need people to play it to make it more alive and show others how fun it is so they can flip…
Never takes long for a Musk bro to show up and post something cringy and hilarious.
It will really depend on if the crypto grift is actually going down or just in a temporary lull. Unlike consoles most ordinary users don’t need or even want a new graphics card with each generation so without crypto inflating the potential buy base with a greater number of people actually willing to buy marked up goods…
“There’s literally no evidence he went looking for a fight?” He brought an assault rifle (fuck you, that’s what they are) to a protest with a good chance of getting violent, a protest that wasn’t even IN his fucking state.
What do you think “looking for a fight” is it isn’t bringing an assault rifle to somewhere you…
This is the one. This is the most correct take in the comments.
Yep, exactly. All the bullshit about how they “want to create entertainment that takes a stand for the inalienable rights of each man” - that’s not at all what they’re trying to do. What they’re trying to do is dehumanize their political opponents and revel in their deaths. I mean, they’re still terrible at that, but…
You’re missing the obvious, pointed statement the game is making by featuring zombies: the devs don’t consider Rittenhouse’s victims, or progressives in general, to be fully human. They don’t consider shooting left-wing protesters to be murder.
Forgotten realms isn’t really generic tho. The most generic dnd setting is grayhawk with dragonlance being a close second. Forgotten realms is buck wild. I’d recommend finders bane trilogy if you want some weirdness
Chat: Streaming Dr. Disrespect might get you banned
Nakamura: Who cares?
Twitch: You’re banned
Kinja: It’s not right how he was banned and they won’t tell him why.
You don’t exactly have to hire Scooby and the gang to solve this mystery.