From what I understand, you have to level up the pokemon on your competition team through dozens of hours of grinding to get them to a viable level.
From what I understand, you have to level up the pokemon on your competition team through dozens of hours of grinding to get them to a viable level.
The meta is meaningless. People say that these pokemon are super powerful, and that other pokemon are terrible. They said my Dhelmise was terrible.
Everyone can build the team they want. it’s really not hard to do in game.
Really this is how it should be with pretty much all games that have been abandoned. Let people play them for free as much as they want, or don’t let them play it for free and instead let them buy it from you. If they’re not going to sell a game they lose nothing from letting it be played free. And if they do want to…
You dont grind for thousands of hours to get EVs. You just go buy vitamins. It doesn’t take long to get to 252 when holding a power item if you don’t want to spend the money. Or you can just leave the game alone while having that pokemon out as they slowly crush nearby spawning pokemon for EVs.
Okay, so it would take 60 hours to put his final team together. What about it? They let peopel get away with using genned Pokemon in-game and in the battle spot. Is it really too much to ask that, at the very least, people put a legitimately earned team together before they go to the official championships?
I’m tired of these cheaters. The rules are clear, use genned pokemon and get banned. No more whining and excuses. its easier than ever to get the Pokemon you want to use.
Star Wars just doesn’t really have a lot of room to expand itself. It was never meant to. Its lore is really shallow honestly, and that’s fine because it was never supposed to be that big. It was a story about a small number of people really. The farther away you go from that, the less their universe makes sense.
“Ruby Red and Emerald Green”
also there are probably a lot of really stupid people who bragged about doing it and posted videos on social media.
As someone whos been obsessed with Pokemon since before Red and Blue released in the US (Nintendo Power hyped it very successfully) I can say that these things are really not accurate. Only competitive players care about EVs, IVs and Natures. People who are playing for fun (and even those of us who compete spend a…
I didn’t like demos, but I did like instruction books. Since they arent constrained by space and layout they can get information across way better than an in-game tutorial.
“Lets talk about the early days of playstation!” then an article that only talks about PS2
The Disgaea game was awful. it was just Pokemon Masters EX with a disgaea skin covering it. Ill stick with my main series ridiculously over the top strategy rpgs, thank you~
Yeah I have absolutely no problem saying that I hate the game because its not turn based. And that’s a big enough deal to me that I won’t be getting it. But I really have no other issues with the game. Im just so tired of the done-to-death Square Enix Action RPG thing. Especially cause it always feels the same.
We just start getting annoyed because its like this every time. A game comes out and its long, and people go on and on about it being too long for them to enjoy. I mean.. Why are you in a hurry to finish it? Playing a couple hours here and there is totally fine. Its not like its going anywhere, and it’ll be a long…
What about Disgaea games? They blow even FFT away with systems.
I found copies of the games in less than a minute. XD