“The Nintendo Switch Emulator Protection will ensure that anyone wishing to play the game has to buy a legitimate copy.”
“The Nintendo Switch Emulator Protection will ensure that anyone wishing to play the game has to buy a legitimate copy.”
You’ll have to update again soon, because OneShot: World Machine Edition is coming out soon. And OneShot is one of the best games ever made
And also, no other Final Fantasy characters appear in it. Square Enix loves making games where all the characters are in them.
Square Enix has been a terrible company since day 1. I remember the first thing they really did: Final Fantasy X international had the expert sphere grid and more content. It was already fully translated into English. And they refused to release it in the US for a decade.
give me FULL control of every member of the party.
Yeah because they keep making the same game. Action RPGs with a lot of flash but no depth, where most of your party is controlled by the computer. Know what they could try? A turn-based menu-driven RPG that isn’t in real time.
Square Enix couldn’t. Square is fine, Square Enix is incompetent.
I hate lootboxes. Do you know there are lootboxes in Pokemon Cafe Remix? It even says that in certain countries it won’t let you redeem acorns (the premium currency) and so you can only use the standard once per day you get for free.. This is a problem because, well, off the top of my head: Jirachi, Victini, Snorlax,…
Compare this with Chocobo GP. Its most recent updated added two new characters, one with no exceptional differences from others (an overpowered unstoppable instant wipe-out) and one with a slightly altered version of a previous mechanic.
Truly a dark day for the internet.
nah its worthless. It has the same problem as nintendo support pages: At the bottom three’ll be an option to say whether you liked the post or not. Doesn’t matter which you pick though, because they never let you explain why you don’t like it.
I think its just a bunch of systems that work by themselves but create a situation where stuff stops working because they were cobbled together whenever executives came up with some new way of meddling.
its always fun to destroy teams full of mythicals while using a team that doesn’t even have a pseudo-legendary on it. And it teaches kids a lesson: You need more than power to win.
Not always! I have guns because I think target shooting is fun. I’m actually a pacifist XD
Its like in fallout 2 when you realize there’s nothing stopping you from just running straight to Navarro.
I love how there’s just the one guy who has a really big problem with the twin maiden husk.
Yeah I wouldn’t pay that much for a VR headset. Maybe in the future when they are worth it, but not now.
We know. This is a site dealing directly with all of this stuff all the time. So they can use common shorthand instead of going into details each time, knowing we will understand what they mean each time.