For me the problem is just there’s no reason to use it. No games that I’d like exist in VR. specifically, 2D platformers and turn-based JRPGs. If they managed to get some .hack type of situatoin going on, then we’ll talk.
For me the problem is just there’s no reason to use it. No games that I’d like exist in VR. specifically, 2D platformers and turn-based JRPGs. If they managed to get some .hack type of situatoin going on, then we’ll talk.
Its great for the thing I use it for: video game companies updates, announcements that streamers I watch are going online, that sort of thing.
I see no reason to leave immediately. If Musk turns it into a nightmare, then I’ll go.
Squenix is not a developer and its not a publisher. Its a holding company. The primary way they make money is by having controlling shares in other companies. Its best to consider modern Squenix to be an entirely different company than enix was, that square was, and even that square enix was at first.
Squenix messed up badly by creating gameplay that was, well, not. Final Fantasy 12, 13 and 15 and 7 Remake all have the same issue: The computer controls the majority of your party.
I think the belt dress would’ve been really cool if they had just said “Okay, we did the belt thing, lets do something else now.” Instead of going all-in on belts.
I can understand the immediate reaction to that disappointment. But they just kept doing it well after it was over.
I hope more companies start to realize that if we want to give them our money, they should let us. Looking at you, Nintendo.
There’s a tutorial?
In Fallout 2, I can get the best armor in the game 15 minutes after starting. I know how, I know where it is. I usually don’t because its boring, but I can if I want.
Mother 3 and Gen 3 main Pokemon games.
I don’t care if they want to put ads in free to play games. Free to play games have to get funded somehow.
Maybe instead of getting these people arrest them, they just.. you know... let them keep doing it. There’s clearly a player base that wants it, and it costs them literally nothing.
Honestly, most games are garbage and always have been. I had an NES growing up and oh my god some of those games.
I refuse to ever play any game that has NFTs. We need to put a stop to this crap right now.
I see what you did there
The stuff on my PSP is working fine though. Of course I don’t think this thing can even connect to the internet anymore. I have the games downloaded onto memory cards.
You all actually get that angry over things in video games? Jeez.
it wasn’t because someone’s feelings got hurt. Its because the people in charge of the games saw these clips and decided his behavior was unacceptable.