
I refuse to play games with loot boxes in them. Ive never wavered from this. And I don’t have a problem with micro transactions as long as they’re not pay to win. Like Pokemon Shuffle. That game had microtransactions, but the stuff you could get for real money wasn’t anything you couldn’t easily get in the game

This seems like the sort of thing that might be okay in free to play games only. Just like loot boxes, if this comes to any game I would have to pay for to own, I will not buy that game even if I really want to get it.

Good. They never should’ve screwed with the graphics of 6 in the first place. The graphics werent bad, they were just wrong for the game because it *already looked amazing* and the changes hurt the atmosphere. For a totally new game those graphics would’ve been nice, but not for FF6.

I want them to do with FF6 what they did with FF4 on the PSP. They kept everything looking the same, just higher definition. It looked great. But if they won’t do that, this is the 2nd best option.

Only a few more days til I can finally get my Disgaea fix. I can make it. Just a few more days.

By “PC” you mean “Computers running Windows” Windows is made by Microsoft. And so is Xbox. The systems are way more compatible than Xbox and Playstation, made by competing companies.

Well that’s what Sony gets for being super restrictive with Bethesda games.

Yeah. Some jerk apparently decided to make a pandemic political.

Snarky response only vaguely related to the article, and a joke that might get a single star.

Most of us already knew he was pro-life. We have for years. It wasn’t a secret to anyone paying attention. That’s not why this happened.

Why do people say its xbox exclusive when its going to be on Xbox and PC? it just confuses people.

Yes. Tencent is a very bad company that does very bad things, even when compared to other companies. Also they’ll be totally tracking literally everything you do when playing (and probably even when you’re not.) because they tend to do that.

I just like to think about all the people who have no idea what this is, and will just sit down to check otu this new show. They have no idea what they’re about to see and that’s great XD

“Other publishers, like Square Enix, also found themselves confronted with chaos and spam”

I would be so happy if Bethesda put that in all their games from now on. Like some secret non-standard ending you could get to if you figured out how. It would be hilarious.

Im willing to let a lot of those comments slide becaues of the situation. Remember he had been doxxed and his family had been threatened. That would really upset anyone, and I think that’s the state he was in when he wrote that.

I think Scott isn’t too far gone yet. Really, it comes down to how he would answer one question: Do you think Donald Trump won the 2020 election?

From what I’ve seen there are two groups of people involved in this: People who are surprised to find all of this out, and people who have played The Desolate Hope.

To be fair, its Square Enix. They’re great making bad publicity for themselves at every opportunity.

I think it makes sense in settings with magic. You don’t need technology when you can just manifest whatever you want. Especially in Elder Scrolls games, where every person has at least some innate magical ability.