I wont be changing my name. I find it unjustifiably funny to use a Pokemon-related name on Sony services.
I wont be changing my name. I find it unjustifiably funny to use a Pokemon-related name on Sony services.
I like how they came up with their own theory and convinced themselves its true. That’s so much easier than actually engaging with people. Must save them a lot of time, which they can use to come up with more theories.
Who actually pays for these games? It’d be like paying for stuff in Progress Quest or Clicker Heroes.
Today is the 20th anniversary of Pokemon Red and Blue being released in the US. So I’m playing Pokemon Blue
Im glad this game series is doing well... But I still can’t get over how many people claimed it would be a “Pokemon killer”. When of course in reality, there’s absolutely no contest. Now that the hubris has been excised, people can enjoy these games for what they actually are - Fun games to stand on their own, not…
Ive said it before - Square Enix is incompetent. They don’t know how to make money. They manage to barely stay alive with a few hits but thats it.
Really? I never see people do that around me... Although my being openly gay may have something to do with it. I’d likely interpret such actions very differently than other straight men.
Edit: I feel I should put a full disclosure before you read this comment. I had stock in Square, before they merged with enix, and I’m still pretty bitter about how the peak value was in november 1999, but I didn’t sell because I figured they would continue to not suck after the merger.
I miss city of heroes. I actually kinda complained about it before checking the comments >_> its a fun game. A...strange game, but one I really liked. Though its kinda difficult to explain to people how its an MMORPG when it has no inventory system, or weapons, and armor is only cosmetic.
Maybe NCSoft should just turn City of Heroes back on. That’s a game people actually want to play. Because its fun.
what if you can’t work because you’re too sick? So you can’t afford treatment. So you can’t get better. so you can’t get a job.
How do you know he’s profitting? You assume so because that’s what people often do with lawsuits. But no. You can sue someone in order to force them to change what they are doing. To fix problems. In fact people should do this *more*.
Cthulhu Punk. Its Cyberpunk, but with the Cthulhu mythos stuff too. I love it because of the tabletop RPG potential: Get your players together, tell them you’re playing a Cyberpunk game, when you know its actually a Cthulhu Punk game. It’s really fun to see them start to realize something’s wrong.
If you stop buying games like this, they’ll stop making games like this. Don’t even consider buying a game that does this. And tell the companies why you won’t but it.
This is why I stopped playing WoW. I realized that I’d probably gotten all I was going to out of it, and that to do even more I’d have to like.. convince a really good raiding guild to let me in, spend months slowly building my way up..
Ive seen this meme repeated a lot, and its almost always done by people in no way trying to mock trans people. To them its just a silly meme poking fun at what they view as overly sensitive people.
Or you could play better games. Number of Pokemon games with paid DLC: 0
If the body cam showed what the cops said happened, they would’ve released it immediately. So its fair to assume that no, that’s not what happened.
Wow. I would’ve been way less restrained then Mayo was if I was in his situation.