I’d honestly be very surprised if the new ES game wasnt announced this year. I’d be extremely surprised if it came out this year. But Im definitely expecting an announcement.
I’d honestly be very surprised if the new ES game wasnt announced this year. I’d be extremely surprised if it came out this year. But Im definitely expecting an announcement.
For me, it was never the problem with the games that was an issue. Its how when people started pointing out all these missing features, the developers went completely silent. For months.
Nobody should buy this game. Not after the way its developers reacted when people started calling out their lies.
They write stories on her because she’s the public face of the Trump administration. It comes with the job. Especially when someone is as bad at it as she is.
“Certainly a terrible incident, this is something that is a local matter, and that’s something that we feel should be left up to local authorities at this time.”
“ I think we should do every single thing we can every single day to protect the people of this country.”
Only one of those two statements can be true. Which…
The gameplay and design elements seem familiar.
“Verruckt suffered from a long list of dangerous design flaws; however, the most obvious and potentially lethal flaw was that Verruckt’s design guaranteed that rafts would occasionally go airborne in a manner that could severely injure or kill the occupants,”
Yeah, when the people who give awards pretend Pokemon doesnt exist, other things win a lot. Fortunately for other things, these awards groups very much like to pretend Pokemon doesnt exist.
“how high far a character can jump. “
Yes, it is. It works so totally differently than any other system. And that’s before you get into Mega Damage settings like Rifts. The real selling point about it is it is very easy to take things made in one palladium project and convert them into forms that work in any other setting they did.
Wizard. If Im going to be playing D&D, I’m going to be magicing the hell out of things, and that’s all there is to it.
It would be nice if Twitch would ban them. Especially when they outright say they are trolling.
They did a much better job of it in Al-Qadim.
There’s a good reason though. If they were to remake it, they’d have to know how the game works. But after all this time, all these years, nobody knows what the Magical Gourd does. Nobody, not even the games designer. The silver sheath does nothing, but the designer eventually informed us that it was because the…
What, so you’re saying its not normal for there to be three instances of steamwebhelper.exe running on my computer all the time?
Resident Evil 4 is one of my favorite games. I consider it unplayable when not using the Gamecube controller. It works so perfectly with it, and nothing else even comes close. You turn around on a dime with a brief motion. And when you move it there’s a tiiiny bit of resistance. The exact amount to make you keep the…
This is only slightly related to what you wrote. Very very slightly. If you decide not to approve it, I seriously don’t blame you and won’t hold it against you. That having been said:
Fallout 2 is the best in my opinion, too. I love posting this because it’s great, and anyone who’s played the game has had this sorta thing happen at least a few times:
That’s true. Though they could also just use the UI from the original release for the Steam version. Though it would likely require some other modifications to deal with running as a program instead of as a game on a dedicated system.