
Word. Keep the millennials out, too.

Lol. The Francis-type dudes who become cops so now “I finally get to kill somebody” are going to be flocking to the PD, now that they can GO TO WAR on people who can’t fight back.

But it was OBAMA that was coming for your guns, remember? When they do come for your guns, it will be the police who do it. And now, you’ll be utterly outgunned.

As an Irishman, and a Boston resident, I’m gonna say that characterization is spot on.


Shut up. Commenting like this on the internet is not helping or hindering emergency procedures in Houston. There is no such thing as positive or negative energy, dope.

Who the fuck would do that? Some people do not deserve pets.

Dude, you’re not an actual human being. Leave this to the functioning members of Homo sapiens.

More power to him. But it means he’s not one of the greats, because he never had to work outside his comfort zone.

Different muscles. Punching and missing is exhausting, and you can’t charge the guy when you can’t hold your arms up any longer.

Superb analysis and writing. Outstanding.

Extra tassels on the shoes.

Ali-Frazier I. II, III. You’re ignorant.

Yep. Mayweather is not a lover of anything but Floyd Mayweather.

The rope-a-dope was used to similar advantage. Sun-tsu said that the essence of strategy was to do what your opponent did not want you to do.

Who would win if each had 2x4s huh? It’s stupid to speculate like that. Obviously the amateur will be at a gigantic disadvantage. But you idiots equate UFC success with badassedness, and it was nice to see your dumb asses educated as to the fact that “sports are different, yo.”

Overtaxing your dumb ass.

Never with Floyd. Floyd will never go the extra mile. That’s why he will always be a second class fighter.

Yeah, saving all those lives really sucked.

Really, though, go download the Anton Lesser recording of Paradise Lost. Then come back here and apologize. (And take me out of the greys.)