
Actually, it doesn’t appear that thinking is what’s happening here. More like “reacting” not thinking.

I just don’t understand and can’t get past.

As a Christian it’s a sin.

Women also think correct spelling is a sexy turn-on.

Man at the altar: “All I have to do is say ‘I do’ and I can have sex whenever I want.”

“Women stop wanting sex in a long-term relationship exactly because they don’t get an orgasm every time.”

HamNo must no longer work for Gawker Media....

How can you garnishee somebody’s wages at will? Don’t you need a court order?

Look, all that is neither here nor there. The fact is, the power scale is tipped WAY over on the police side: not since the 19th century have the police been able to abuse the public with near total impunity, and nowadays police forces are completely militarized, as if they’re an army facing an enemy, when the enemy

Lol. Go look at a pic of riot police confronting protesters from any recent protest. They’re armed to the teeth and armored up the wazoo. It’s not the 70s any more, in case you haven’t noticed.

Well, if you have those two data points, that trumps the hell out of the statistics, doesn’t it?

Haha, bullshit. It’s shitheel racist areas that naturally have the most shitheel racist cops. And you’re smoking crack if you buy that Trump bullshit about big cities.

It’s more dangerous to be a window washer than a cop.

Jeez, it’s getting so that if your organization starts murdering unarmed people every week, people start not to trust you. Sad!

Quelle surprise.

Your reasoning is childish and stupid. The pope needs to live in an echo chamber? He’s so uneducated he’s never read MLK and can’t appreciate him cause he’s not Catholic? You’re fucking joking, right?

Canonical. Canon is a noun.


“Her life isn’t worth that car” [sic]. If you say so...

No that’s his actual title, not something we just made up.