Flaying alive with a bamboo scalpel is too good for that sack of shit.
Flaying alive with a bamboo scalpel is too good for that sack of shit.
Region 1 is a nice touch.
No, we live with your unsubtle stupidity. Had they visited an imam in SA, the women would be covered. Think harder, brah.
Yeah, that Raphael on the wall really spells whorehouse, no?
Except that’s demonstrably false. Life is easy when you embrace not knowing things, huh?
Meeting Saudi princes in a government building does not equal meeting a religious leader in a church building. They didn’t take their shoes off for the Saudis, but you bet they would have in a mosque, and rightly so.
He’s Argentinian.
Why is it Si’ [sic] and not Si?
“I went to the Vatican, and all I got were some lousy word papers!” — Drumpf
Yeah, those Raphaels are so tacky. Can’t they trash that priceless museum stuff for IKEA?
Flemish women did not depilitate their foreheads so far back.
Dude, Obama did not take notes like a stenographer when on a state visit, lol. They have people for that.
I’m surprised Jez commentariat isn’t flaying you for making such an un-PC (but entirely accurate) remark.
At least she looks happy.
Only if you’re retarded.
I don’t recall Catholic women being veiled on the street, attacked by morality police, unable to drive, get an education, or be unescorted by a male family member, or being killed for marrying a non Catholic. Nor does the pope sponsor terror killing of non believers. Excellent false equivalency, though. I’m an…
It’s morning dress, not mourning clothes. Has nothing to do with mourning.
Discussion != justice, and often is used as a tool by those who have no intention of ever following through on the implications of the discussion. Talk is cheap.
“Once we invaded their homes and confiscated their land, shot all their food supply for sport, and reneged on every promise we ever made to them, those uppity Indians had the nerve to fight back. Thugs. They need to be civilized.” See, white people are real practiced at this shit.
Actually, in America, that’s pretty much true, but thanks for being first with the bullshit false equivalency, shitstain.