
"Time" is the worst song on Dark Side? I would vote "Money" is the worst on the record, but I'm also not in the business of making listicles about great bands from a half century ago so what do I know

He's like Dr. Manhattan, too all powerful to be concerned with the emotions of people he used to love. Also too pretentious to explain the very simple concept of the papal type system of replacing one 3 eyed raven with the next.

I'll only watch if Immortal Technique gloats about having never signed a major deal while he does it.

Anything with water in any Nintendo game.

He's probably envious of the fact that, unlike his own impending doom, Princes death was met with sadness and respect.

I had the opportunity to see Mangum live once, and I saw NMH last summer for the first and presumably last time. I got there early with my friends, got near the front on the floor, and we were some of the numerous people who we're singing lyrics with some annoyed people around us.

I felt this way about Resolution. I don't know if it scared me more than once or twice, but what a great film. And another example of the thoughtful horror films being discussed here.

The Academy has made it perfectly clear that they will nominate the historically disenfranchised, so long as they're being shown in some sort of historic disenfranchisement piece.

When I'm looking to debate the legitimacy of DNA testing and specific legal proceedings on a message board, I come to the A.V. Club just like anybody else.


That makes sense, admittedly I'm not well versed on the law in Illinois (not like I'm crazy well informed on Indiana, but I've at least read a few more articles about it.)

Well, really just the people going to the show. People who were planning on staying home are probably fine with it.

So the laws are the same, except one protects gay people from discrimination? That's a pretty significant difference, if it comes with that caveat.

I can't speak for the other 17 states you may be referencing, but in regards to Illinois, this is false.

I understand the economic impact that cancelling the show might have on the state, but man, what a shit draw for Wilco fans in the state of Indiana. You can call me out for judging books by the cover, but the one Wilco show I've been to didn't strike me as the gay hating type of crowd. Admittedly, I was in Washington,

A lot of people are saying they haven't heard of this show, so I'd like to inform all of you that this is actually the worst sitcom I've ever seen. Not going to make the lofty claim that it's the worst show ever, but it's a show so bad that it's embarrassing to watch. The son, who I think is supposed to be the

It will then be a part of a humble bundle and you can buy that and 15 other games for 9 cents.

Lupe was so goddamn good until Lasers. I don't think a single album has ever tarnished my opinion of an artist so much. Or at least ruined my ability to get excited for their music moving forward.

It's one thing when HateSong calls up David Lynch. It's another when they trudge up some child actor to talk shit about something (unless I missed something between Matilda and now.)

As long as there's a scene where Jamie Foxx wrestles a chair, I'll be there for the midnight showing.