Sir Eccles

Its kind of stupid that the song is played at the start of a game. If the national anthem is really to be honored, it should be played at proper ceremonial times, not a fucking football game.

UPDATE: They have decoded it, and it includes text and an image.


Now playing

Any mass wingsuit video without this music is a missed opportunity.

“The new Chevy Silverado made from English-grade Aluminium.”

There needed to be an early 90's cycling movie with Val Kilmer as the antagonist, and Eric Stoltz as the good guy. I could totally see Val Kilmer trying to head butt Eric Stoltz to throw him off his game, and Stoltz not wanting to, but having to reciprocate in order to stay in the race. The movie wouldn’t have been a

What is this? A shuttle for ants? How can we be expected to send astronauts to space... if they can’t even fit inside the building?



Ah, Sejanus. We watched I, Claudius in my high school Latin class back in the mid-’90s, and when he showed up, there was a collective gasp, and multiple going, “What the fuck? Where did Picard get that hair?”

You just won the Patrick Stewart Tweet Appreciation Trophy tonight, Sir:)What a perfect prefect!

Ford too, until Mulally took over. The story is told of when someone finally had the nads to admit a failure in an executive meeting and Mulally stood up and applauded. Big culture change

It’s a rare day when an Argentinian football player is the least assholish person in a picture.

More soda cookies.