Sir Eccles

On the surface they look the same because the underlying physics of re-entry has not changed.

One assumes Western analysts already know how these are made, otherwise Mr Gelio get nice new villa with view of Siberia tundra?

Never happened? Right! That’s just what THEY want you to think!

I got wood in a car once...

Probably too fat for F1.

Actually it isn’t just for the record. Part of the Bloodhound project is that it links up with schools to get kids interested in STEM.

A Rushian shubmarine commander near Shyria? Yesh, I can shee why you might shay that, but it’sh probably jusht an undershea earthquake you’re detecting.

Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his body!

My understanding of AZ law is that if you leave your vehicle to escalate a situation like this, you are in the wrong. Obviously it’s tricky on a bike but stay in your car, go to a safe public place and call the cops.

Makes me think of the Matrix movies. Everyone saw the first one and was so excited we had it all figured out how the next two movies were going to work out. Then we watched the other two movies (can’t even remember their names) and there was a collective wtf, that wasn’t how we all discussed it on those forums and

Jade Helm!!!!

Well, I guess that’s one way to ensure we need to buy the F35...

If they didn’t crash, why would people watch?

Well, it won’t look that good ever again. Covered in vomit and faeces, cookie crumbs in every corner, an odd stain which can’t be identified and a favorite toy kinda stuck wedged in but can’t be reached...

Back, and to the left... back, and to the left... back, and to the left.

I don’t think there is actually a sign, but the speed limit at my son’s daycare parking lot is probably pretty low. They also have speed bumps, sensible considering the number of small children running around. So it amazes me every time , the moms in their huge ass QX80s weaving around the speed bumps to get there

Matte paint finishes look awesome and never need washing!

My Lincoln Towncar does that but only because the air suspension needs fixing.

It’s those other 23 hrs 56 minutes and 43 seconds that are tricky

Worse would be him singing a song about it I guess?