
Thank you. I’d honestly be all for Natalie coming back at some point but it’s clear she doesn’t want to, so I don’t understand why Katharine is pretending that this is a matter of female character portrayal. I guess someone has to stir the pot for no reason now that Gawker is gone!

Dumping of two of its heroes’ major love interests in this way indicates that Marvel considers many of its female leads rather disposable, which isn’t great.

I had honestly forgotten that Natalie Portman was in the MCU.

I thought that was the answer, too.

I’ll see your comment and raise you. I thought Tarkin and Leia were both perfectly fine and never took me out of the moment.

The people you refer to have managed to construct a world view where they consider themselves to be the same kind of “symbol” as a Wolverine or a Magneto while simultaneously managing to ignore the fact that they are actually the kind of person Wolverine or Magneto would consider “the enemy.”

This is what Zack Snyder sees in his fever dreams. New theory: the Injustice series is the prequel to the Snyder Murderverse.

I’ll believe the hate when I see it. That smear post stinks of “White, male lead = bad” rhetoric.

Owning a dojo and being Asian does not qualify you as a grand-master of martial arts. It just means you can afford a dojo and your parent/s were Asian.

I mean, that is the character.

This a character that got his powers from fighting a magical dragon. “Grounded” shouldn’t even be on the table.

It’s not the only time the show goes out of the way at how much better at martial arts Danny purportedly is than the many Asian people he is surrounded by, and if it weren’t so mind-bogglingly offensive it’d almost be hilarious. 

Why is it “mind-bogglingly offensive” that the series take care to show Rand is better than the Asians (or everyone else, for that matter) at martial arts? Isn’t that, like, the premise of the show? He’s the best?

In the comics he kills people he judges to be scumbags, which from a narrative comic point of view, you’re meant to cheer for. However, applying that mentality to real life is not a very smart move. Blue Lives Matter is a backlash to the Black Lives Matter movement, which was started because of the perception that

And that’s what you want our police to be?

Hey, at least the PC Police don’t kill unarmed teenagers on the regular.

It’s a joke.

You have literally hundreds of comic book, cartoon and video game stories to use as a basis.

Wanting something to be true doesn’t make it true. You have no evidence for what you’re saying. You just want it to be true.

You are, without a doubt, the most powerful Necromancer I have ever witnessed.