
Here is something else to consider: Hamill has had some dumb ideas about Luke recently. He wanted to do an Evil Luke in 7, JJ Turned that down. He wanted the saber to come to him on Starkiller Base instead of Rey in 7, JJ turned it down. He wanted to have Luke be there for Han’s death (even though there would be no

Thank you. I’d honestly be all for Natalie coming back at some point but it’s clear she doesn’t want to, so I don’t understand why Katharine is pretending that this is a matter of female character portrayal. I guess someone has to stir the pot for no reason now that Gawker is gone!

X-men: Destiny

More stars for this man’s The Who reference please

My shields can’t withstand takes of this magnitude

Now kiss!

You make a valid argument when it comes to preparation and forming the right team to counter those secondary Ults. But consider the scenario that they add another secondary ult to a character. Members of the community may ask “Well why not for X? Why does Y get a secondary ult when X doesn’t?” I know it seems

Interesting, I wonder if this means other characters may get a choice of Ultimates in future patches. Would certainly add an interesting layer of strategy.

Do you think Hydra would endorse Trump or Clinton?

Who is the greatest Birdman: You, Michael Keaton, Chris Anderson, Bryan “Birdman” Williams, or Harvey Birdman?