
use the same tactical gameplay the first one had.

I remember when Orange Box came out. I was a Junior in college. I am now 31 with two children.

There’s a seal who lives a life of danger

Obvious reasons being i09 shit all over a perfectly cromulant show because they didn’t cast an Asian actor in a stereotypical martial-artist role.

The headline says the mean spirited satire doesn’t hold up but the article is about how the gameplay and level design don’t hold up.

I’m not sure I follow the thought process here. Earthworm Jim is a failed experiment because the levels are difficult to navigate and the princess is flattened by a cow? I mean, by treating her as pointless, killing her with a cow, and calling her Whats-Her-Name, it seems Earthworm Jim is satirizing how other games do

“He hit me first” didn’t work when I was 4. Again, Sargon of Akkad is not someone I particularly follow, but what I’ve seen leads me to believe I could never get along with the guy. But Anita has made a career on claiming the moral high ground. By making the event about Sargon of Akkad, she did herself and her

In re: the Executor. I swear to god they messed up and meant to have Executioner or something. Or maybe Vader just wanted to have his ship stand out from the rabble? Something weird happened. In other news, I am sharing this bit from Starfighters of Adumar, one of the best ever Star Wars books, which goes into

Did a widdle Bay Fanboy get his feewings hurt?

Pacific Rim struggles to get a sequel but Transformers has 6 goddamn movies? Fuck American filmgoers.

I’ll take this time to point out in 2003 KOTOR was one of the greatest games of that generation, and wouldn’t fault you for putting into an all time list. Nearly 15 years later, I don’t know how well that game had really stood up overtime. Still a feat for that generation, but the light/dark mechanic is commonplace

Interesting. I can imagine Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and a host of Marvel’s classic creators could say much the same thing when then current breed of ‘creators’ gets a hold of THEIR creations.

Read “Lost Stars” and then don’t get back to me. Just sit there in your wrongness and feel bad about how wrong you are.



Played it the last two weekends, it’s as good as all the hype. Asymmetrical warfare gaming at its finest. This is an incredible price for an amazing game. Beautiful artwork, tons of miniatures—just don’t attempt if you’ve never played a complex table game before—I guess a baseline is if you can grok Arkham Horror,

Played it the last two weekends, it’s as good as all the hype. Asymmetrical warfare gaming at its finest. This is an

Ha, nice joke. I mean, you have to be joking, right? Considering the vast majority of superheroes at Marvel are still white, that has to be a jokey joke from a jokey jokester. Right?

It even feels like the CW writers themselves realize they don’t actually use Firestorm like they could, because the one time he actually transmuted someone, no one seemed to realize that was something he could do.

Reap some benefits? Excellent title.

Reap some benefits? Excellent title.