
that was close enough tbf, thanos hadnt been introduced yet into the MCU and Apocalypse is the better known villan 

in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out...

Can you believe “Weird Al” Yankovic has been parodying popular music for 33 years now? It’s a testament...

Daddy’s not gonna sleep at night.

Please be Hondo, please be Hondo, please be Hondo, please be Hondo ...

They did about the best job I’ve yet seen for this kind of thing but, just my opinion here, I think they almost pushed Tarkin’s screen time too far. Less would have been more and might have made it harder for those not in the know to tell that he was CG.

I don’t think it’s an understanding of money that’s the problem, it’s the comprehension of-

I’m guessing they read “just start” instead of “just started” in your comment.

monogamy took the bone, and matrimony took the balls.

Your point was that clinical note writing is boring and I should’ve taken my amphetamine this afternoon? That’s a pretty opaque point, but I guess I’m glad I could help.

C’mon; accusing what I wrote of being trolling is just the height of disingenuous arguing. We can all just scroll back up and see that I have not admitted to not knowing what you’re talking about, and am responding directly to what you’re saying.

I see where you’re coming from, but there is a thin line where it becomes annoying. If the enemy team is playing all characters with multiple ults, there are 12 possible ults you need to be ready for. As it is, you have to steer clear of places where, for instance, an enemy Reaper can drop in and Death Blossom you.

Man, we dodged that one. Unlike Boba Fett did when that blind guy was randomly swinging a stick.

Didn’t overwatch come about after ‘project titan’ (which a lot of us thought would be WoW 2) was scrapped? As in the skeleton of that project emerged as an FPS instead of an MMO? To me that notion is important, it kind of makes sense more choices of ults were bound to be introduced. They are dipping their toes in that

Interesting, I wonder if this means other characters may get a choice of Ultimates in future patches. Would certainly add an interesting layer of strategy.