Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

Here’s the full joke, since you can’t be bothered to google it:

Dum dum, a smokey eye is a make up technique (google it, I’m sure you can find some tutorials) and the joke was that her make up looked good. The joke is a direct jab at her being a transparently bad liar not her appearance.

Maybe listen to, or look at a transcript of what was actually said before treating us to your performative feminism?

She didn’t insult her appearance at all. If you think she did that’s on you and you’re buying into what these assholes want you to believe. Her use of “perfect smoky eye” was saying that it was created from the ashes of truth burning and that was it in regards to appearance.

This summer, Vin Diesel is Mrs. Dalloway

I would add that you should trust yourself, LW. This guy managed to gaslight you into second-guessing yourself. The attempt to neg you by telling you he didn’t enjoy the date, followed by pushing you to share your reasoning and defend yourself are classic manipulation tactics. He picked up on your self-consciousness

So you claim to be not pro-Trump, yet you’re still using their side’s false equivalency of people who don’t like the clear and present danger his presidency has been to this country to not being ‘good winners’ over a pedophile in Alabama being narrowly defeated when it should never have even been so close to begin

I don’t have “guys,” and I actually voted against Obama in 2012, so to say that I’m approaching this from some sort of team perspective would be making a conclusion without all the evidence.

Allude = to suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.

Did Hillary refuse to concede? Claim voter fraud (as Trump did)?

You think it’s due to political alignment that people think Trump voters are racist/bigoted? Nah. People think that because Trump voters had no issues whatsoever voting in a candidate who was clearly and objectively racist/bigoted. There’s a big difference.

Interesting, but Doug Jones actually got more votes than Roy Moore, Trump did not get more votes than Hillary.

That’s not what I was saying but I don’t care about this topic enough to give you a worthwhile reply. There’s a star wars topic on Gizmodo that grabbed my attention

How about when Hillary sent people to have meetings with Russian agents to talk about how to get her elected...Wait, that wasn’t her...

Exactly, because the election for president is a game and has no impact on our individual lives! Also, aren’t these the same people getting their panties in a twist over NFL players kneeling for the national anthem? Come on.

At least Doug Jones literally got more votes. Just saying.

Aw man, you’re one of those “throw shit at the wall to see what sticks, then, when the shit begins to ooze down the wall because it has no substance, scoop it back up and hurl it again because maybe this time it will work” types? How trite.

Those saying that it was the end of the world because Obama became president were racists... period. That’s the most dramatic reaction possible

That’s not who I’m talking about. I’m talking about the people who are reacting to the terrible things that Donald Trump is doing as the president of the country after the election. Additionally, you are sincerely deluded if you believe that people’s main concern is “voiding their loss” as opposed to removing a

Are you possibly being a truth denier? No candidate in the history of America has threatened our beliefs like Trump has