Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

Bless your grandmother and her opinions.

The best thing I can say about this ridiculous photograph is that it cements Suchet’s legacy as Best Poirot.

I totally agree. I have been wondering why so much of the secondary character development has been given over to ex-Ofglenn (Bledel) rather than Moira (Wiley). In the book we only see what [June]/Offred sees, and this explains why we don’t see much of Moira’s life as a Handmaid. But if the series is carrying over this

  In the book’s epilogue, Gilead is said to have existed only a generation or two before falling all to pieces. Lucky for humanity, but not for those who lived it while it lasted.

I mean I just literally read an entire thread of comments on another Handmaid’s article here on io9 that began with some guy’s incredulity that women’s rights are being curtailed in the present, in the US... Another commenter listed various laws like those that allow rapists parental rights or doctors to lie to their

I don’t like their explanation, but my guess is that they were in a “damned if we do, damned if we don’t” position: include the Children of Ham plot line and end up with an erasure of people of colour; exclude it and end up with an erasure of white supremacy taken to extremes (genocide). Samira Wiley has been a

Also: Men. I’m serious.

I’m watching this show with my husband (disclosure: the “Sir” is a lie; I’m a Madam Digby Chicken Caesar!) He’s never read the book, “can’t get into the audiobook” (despite being a feminist/ally). He is benefiting from the narration spelling it all out for him, as I imagine a lot of men (and

You wrote, to Siege Mentality: “I was not at all aware of some of these issues, and they are extremely alarming. For the average person who doesn’t read the news, this information would have been great in the article instead of just a general “it’s so timely now”.”

I mean, the obvious advice to the average person

Hell, you don’t have to leave America to find instances of America accepting Gileadean-style oppression. Puritanism. Slavery. (Especially slavery). The era of the Moral Majority. Even now, ALEC-led legislation. Atwood herself wrote: “As with The Handmaid’s Tale, I didn’t put in anything that we haven’t already done,

I am going to assume good faith (i.e that you’re not a troll) and ask that you do us the courtesy of reading this interview, which Jezebel published just a couple of weeks ago:

I’m glad you mentioned the dissolving separation of theology and science in the classroom, because education is at the forefront of the culture wars (and always has been). As public education is privatised and school “choice” becomes the norm in the US, more families are “choosing” for their children poorly regulated

You are absolutely right... And somewhat lost in the conversations about “The Handmaid’s Tale” is that the anti-choice, anti-woman Christian patriarchy movement is inextricably linked to the multi-billion dollar adoption industry. They’ve a vested interest in restricting women’s “choices” to 1, carrying a pregnancy to

So I am not the demographic for this show, and neither are my children (too young), but a friend who works with at-risk youth tells me it’s a good show for *this* demographic. She says that in the US one in 28 children have at least one incarcerated parent. That’s a lot of children looking for entertainment that, in a

Contrariwise, most fellow fans I’ve talked with say they love Capaldi’s Doctor, but are disappointed with the dialogue, plots, and character development he’s been given. The consensus seems to be that he would make a truly stellar Doctor...if only he were given better material with which to work.

Robert Reich on why Trump holds rallies (SPOILER: it’s for power): 

Narcissistic supply.

Well, update: I don’t agree so much with your second paragraph... 

I’m a feminist (and a woman — the “Sir” is a lie) with photosensitive epilepsy and I agree with everything you wrote [eta: in your first paragraph; not so much the second]. The buried lede here is that this is a win for those who are fighting against ableism.

Nope, neither of those scenes. The gory details of Grandier’s torture scene are also cut in this version. (In the full cut, which I saw maybe a decade ago, marrow is shown gushing out of his legs down the wooden blocks. This one just has close-ups of his face. It was gory but not, in my opinion, gratuituous — as with

But the camp is half the fun!